The following code was created to satisfy a coding challenge after submitting a job application and before interviwing with the company.
add and remove songs to an artist
An artist can only have one featured song, but it's not required
When a song is marked as featured, it should replace any currently featured song
Every time you add or delete a song, the artist's top 3 genres and song count are recalculated
Upon song addition/removal, the output should print the artist's updated information (see example)
$ artist =
$ song =
$ artist.add_song(song) # name "add_song" however you wish
$ { id: 1, name: 'Some Artist', song_count: 2, top_genres: ['Folk', 'Pop', 'Rock'], featured_song_id: 3 }
Review will be based on:
- cleanliness
- method naming/length
- understanding of data design
- appropriate test coverage