Documentation v3.8.9: https://raw.githack.com/jaywcjlove/hotkeys/3a83b9c/index.html
Comparing Changes: v3.8.8...v3.8.9
npm i hotkeys-js@3.8.9
- 🌍 website: support dark theme. da7babf
- 💊 clean(deps): remove dependencies. 8805f45
- 💄 chore: update workflows config. a66cd02
- 🌍 website: update website style. 0363302
- 🐞 fix: Fixed an error when executing the command "npm run watch" (#351) 411006e @zhaokun1219
- 💄 chore: Modify rollup config. (#351) 9d3cf81
- 🐞 fix: Fix problem with element scope (#352) 973e607 @zhaokun1219