npm i hotkeys-js@3.8.8
- 🐞 fix: Fix the bug that the window will bind multiple focus events when hotkeys is called multiple times by different element option (#347) 9145770 @zhaokun1219
- 🐞 fix: Remove handlers (rather than setting to {}) in eachUnbind (#345) 1b34ff3 @mwoenker
- 📖 doc: Update README to include number pad special keys. (#329) b842dc3 @ercgrat
- 📖 doc: Update README.md b9bca9d
- 📖 doc: Fixed filter case error in README.md (#342) 7a3c36d @StringKe
- 📖 doc: Update README-zh.md (#343) c4b5eab @Yukiniro
- 📖 doc: Update badges in README.md. f15ee1a
- 📖 doc: Update README.md 3c3a2ad