Setup Guide • Examples • Valid format • Theme demo • Contributing
- Easy to setup and use
- Full customistaion
- Variety of themes
- Supports java and bedrock edition
Please read the following for an easy setup -
Mandatory parameters for banner:
These below,two parameters are must -
- srvAddress - Pass server address i.e hostname,ip,ip:port or name with domain
- srvType - Pass server type java for Java Edition and bedrock for Bedrock edition.
Optional parameters for banner:
Following parameters can be used for customisation -
- borderColor - pass a border color (or transparent)
- fontWeight - pass normal/bold/bolder/lighter or 100-900
- bgColor - pass background color
- txtColor - pass text color
- headingColor - pass heading color
- iconColor - pass an icon color (or transparent)
- themeval - pass an available theme name
Note1: Color must be passed starting with %23 (encoded value for #)
Note2: Customise all parameters or use theme instead (i.e themeval)
Note3: There is 1 min. cache time for now,set by default
Note4: Possible to skip some optional parameters
Note5: API data maybe inaccurate sometimes
Note6: You can view full info. of a server,example at end
You can use markdown or img to render minecraft server state
<!-- Markdown -->

<!-- HTML -->
<img src=" alt="ServerState Minecraft"/>
If you don't want icon (iconColor),border (borderColor) and fontWeight just don't pass them in query
Default usage (i.e with random themes)
With a theme
Full customisation
Customise theme with borderColor and fontWeight
Checkout themes in All themes or you can get an idea of how themes may look Theme Demo courtesy Anurag Hazra
For all the important changelog vist Changelog
- anuraghazra/github-readme-stats
- ABSphreak/readme-jokes
- DenverCoder1/github-readme-streak-stats
- Minecraft API by Jacob Gunther
Contributions are always welcome!
See Contributing for ways to get started.
Please adhere to this project's Code Of Conduct.
Support the developers for this project to live long.For issues, open a new issue or use discussion.
This project is licensed under the MIT License