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DEADLINE 03.10.2024->24.10.2024


My Skills

Technology Description
React A JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It allows for the creation of reusable UI components.
Vite A fast and lightweight frontend build tool that offers a great developer experience with hot module replacement and optimized builds.
TypeScript A strongly typed programming language that builds on JavaScript, providing static type checking and enhanced developer tooling.
Tailwind CSS A utility-first CSS framework that enables rapid UI development with pre-defined classes and a customizable design system.

Used UI libraries

UI Description
ANT DESIGN Ant Design 5.0 use CSS-in-JS technology to provide dynamic & mix theme ability. And which use component level CSS-in-JS solution get your application a better performance.
FLOWBITE Flowbite React is an open-source UI component library built on top of Tailwind CSS with React components and based on the Flowbite Design System.
Daisy UI The most popular component library for Tailwind CSS daisyUI adds component class names to Tailwind CSS so you can make beautiful websites faster than ever.


Team Lead: Jasur



Name Work
1 Jasur client/dash/profile admin/dash
2 Temur client/test-start client/quiz
3 Javlon SignIn/SignUp
4 Ulug'bek admin dashboard
5 Asliddin Admin / Foydalanuvchilar
6 Nodir Admin Category
7 Uktam Admin /Test
8 Shohjahon Admin Users Natijasi
9 Alibek Client Edit
10 Asilbek Admin: Employees, Adress, User
11 Dilshod Admin Adress
12 Bexruz Admin Adress Dilshod bilan birga
13 Asil aka Test Uktam bilan birga
14 Ozod client/quiz, Timur bilan birga
15 Feruzbek Admin Adress aka ukala bilan

Working Developers

Update date 22.10.2024

Name Work
1 Jasur client/profile/dashboard/quiz admin/dash tester/profile
2 Temur client/test-start client/quiz
3 Javlon auth/signIn/signUp Admin/all-user
4 Ulug'bek admin/dashboard/profile/inspector-admin/test auth/signin-logica
6 Nodir Admin Category
10 Asilbek Admin: Employees, Adress, User , oferta
13 Asil aka Admin/Test Uktam bilan birga
5 Asliddin Admin Foydalanuvchilar
7 Uktam Admin /Test
14 Ozod undefined
8 Shohjahon undefined
9 Alibek Not Working
11 Dilshod Not Working
12 Bexruz Not Working
15 Feruzbek Not Working


To get started with the project, follow these steps:


Make sure you have the following installed on your system:


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone 
  2. Navigate into the project directory:

  3. Install the dependencies:

    npm install
  4. Start the development server:

    npm run dev

That's it! The project should now be running locally.


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