An ansible role that gets Ansible to work on bare Ubuntu machines that do not have Python pre-installed. It checks if python is installed, if not, it installs it via the raw module.
ansible-galaxy install jasonheecs.ubuntu-python-raw
Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):
python_version: 3
- name: Setup
hosts: all
become: yes
gather_facts: false # You must disable the gather of facts for this role to work as intended
- { role: jasonheecs.ubuntu-python-raw }
Testing is done via Test Kitchen, Kitchen Ansible and Kitchen Docker
To run the tests, make sure Ruby and Docker are installed and run the following:
gem install bundler && bundle exec kitchen test
Refer to the travis.yml file and Travis build logs for details on the test build process and expected outputs.
This ansible role has been tested against the following platforms:
- Ubuntu 18.04
- Ubuntu 16.04
- Ubuntu 14.04