openfga_webserver is a Golang-based web server that integrates with OpenFGA to provide fine-grained access control. The project uses Docker Compose to launch both the web server and OpenFGA simultaneously, with the Playground feature enabled for convenient development and testing.
Fine-grained Access Control Leverages OpenFGA to manage and validate user access to resources.
Routing and Middleware Control Custom middleware is used to authenticate requests, ensuring that only authorized users can access protected pages.
Docker Compose Integration Spin up the entire system (web server and OpenFGA) with a single command, simplifying deployment and development environment setup.
OpenFGA Playground The Playground feature is available at http://localhost:3000/playground for viewing and testing the authorization model.
The project comes pre-configured with three users: Jason, Alice, and Ethan.
User Hierarchy:
- Jason can manage Alice.
- Alice can manage Ethan.
Personal Pages: Each user has their own page. However: - Jason can view everyone's page. - Alice can only view her own page and Ethan's page.
Testing Access with URLs You can experiment with the following URLs to test the access control:
- Jason viewing Ethan's page http://localhost:8000/page/ethan-page?access=jason - Ethan viewing Ethan's page http://localhost:8000/page/ethan-page?access=ethan - Ethan attempting to view Jason's page http://localhost:8000/page/jason-page?access=ethan