Filter for changing services used by location: shared_counts_display_services, see #69 .
Admin bar stats, see #32 .
Support for Twitter counts using, props @robert-gillmer , see #62 .
Automatic social share tracking with Google Analytics, see #50 .
Add support for fastcgi_finish_request when updating counts, see #12 .
Specific services can be defined in shortcode via services attribute (comma separated), see #69 .
Pass post_id to needs_updating method, see #74 .
Removed support for Google+ and StumbleUpon (RIP).
Default letter-spacing to normal on button labels, see #56 .
Hide Total Counts button if empty and “Hide Empty Counts” setting is enabled, see #44 .
Pinterest JS API conflict, see #34 .
Multiple spaces between some CSS classes inside markup, see #64 .
Twitter URL encoding issue with special characters in text, see #54 .
Email counts not tracking, props @thartl , see #67 .
Showing “Preserve HTTP Counts” setting when Count Source is None.
Enabling various settings by default on initial save.
When sorting posts by share count in the admin, posts with zero shares are now included, see #76 .
Data attributes are filterable, see #73
You can’t perform that action at this time.