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This is the main modular-device repository containing all the other modular device repositories as submodules.


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Repository Information

Peter Polidoro


Modular devices are combinations of open source object oriented hardware, firmware, and software.

Modular devices extend object oriented software concepts into object oriented hardware, allowing you to create hardware objects with methods for executing actions.

Modular device methods can be executed locally or remotely over a communication bus or channel with a client/server architecture.

Object oriented hardware is a mixture of processors, electronics, and mechanics for interacting with, sensing, and controlling things in the physical world. Each hardware object can be used independently or combined like software objects to create more complex systems. The hardware objects can be implemented in a variety of form factors. Some form factors might be designed to be as small an inexpensive as possible, while others might be larger with more features or capacity, but every object has its own processor, with one or more communication channels and set of pins, and can be used on its own or combined with any other hardware object, regardless of form factor. Hardware objects can scale both up, by combining many of them together when large complicated systems are needed, and scale down, so only a single hardware object is necessary when needs are small and simple, minimizing cost and component count.

Object oriented firmware/software server objects run on the hardware objects and provide the interface necessary to interact with and control the device. Each firmware/software server object adds a set of methods and parameters to the device. Every device may consist of several layers of firmware/software server objects. Each layer extends or modifies the layer beneath it, like inheritance and composition in traditional object oriented software. Lower layers may provide general features specific to the particular hardware it is running on, while higher layers may add features specific to the particular task the user may want to run or hardware connected to the device. Firmware/software server objects are written to maximize code reuse and separation of concerns.

Object oriented firmware/software client objects may be run on other modular devices or on host computers connected to one or more modular devices. The client software may be written in almost any language capable of writing strings over the communication channel to the modular device. Only one small client software driver should be necessary in each language to talk to all firmware and hardware objects. When the client software object initializes, it asks the modular devices about its methods and parameters, and then uses that information to create the client object. So new or modified modular devices can be connected to a client object and controlled without the user needing to change or update the client object code. Once the client has connected to the server, other software may interact with the client, calling methods on the local client object that automatically call the remote methods on the modular device over the communication channel.


Modular devices are computers or electronics with microprocessors that implement the modular device protocol in software or firmware.

Modular device servers consist of one or more methods that perform some action.

Each method takes zero or more parameters to specify the action and methods may or may not return a value. Parameters and return values can be any JSON type, including objects with key/value pairs, arrays with an ordered collection of values, strings, numbers, booleans, or null.

There are three types of methods: functions, properties, and callbacks.

Functions are the most basic method and calling them executes their programmed action using the values of whatever parameters it requires, if any.

Properties are methods used for getting and setting field data permanently stored on the device. The first parameter of a property method is a function string. Each property function takes zero or more additional parameters. Example property functions are ‘getValue’, which takes zero additional parameters and returns the stored field value, and ‘setValue’, which takes one parameter, the new desired value of the property field. Every property function returns the new stored value of the property field. Calling a property with no parameters is a shortcut to the property ‘getValue’ function.

Callbacks are methods that can be called like functions or triggered from pins. When callbacks are triggered by an pin, they take no parameters and return no result, instead they can potentially use property values stored on the device like functions use parameters. When callbacks are called from a communication channel, the first parameter of the callback method is a function string. Each callback function takes zero or more additional parameters. Example callback functions are ‘trigger’, which takes no addtional parameters and executes the callback action as if it had been triggered by an pin, and ‘attachTo’, which takes two additional parameters, an pin and a mode and attaches the callback to the pin and sets the trigger mode. Calling a callback with no parameters is a shortcut to the callback ‘trigger’ function.

Server methods may be triggered by changes on the local device, such as timers expiring, buttons pressed, encoders turned, or through a GUI or command line. Alternatively, server methods may be triggered by external sources such as TTL signals or calls from modular device clients through communication channels.

Modular device clients call server methods by sending the server requests and the server handles the request and sends back a response to the client.

Modular devices can be both clients and/or servers and devices communicate with one another using JSON strings. Any communication channel capable of sending and receiving JSON strings can used to connect modular devices to each other. Servers may listen for client method calls on multiple communication channels simultaneously and a device may use a single communication channel for both server and client communications.

Modular devices implemented on Arduino-like boards and processors communicate over serial UART channels. Arduino-like modular devices can connect to each other’s UART channels and call each other’s methods. Host computers such as desktops, laptops, and Raspberry Pi-like single board computers can be used as clients to communicate to Arduino-like modular device servers over a USB serial port. Computers may be servers as well as clients and modular devices may consist of more than one server and/or client.

Any programming language capable of processing JSON strings and sending and receiving them over a serial port can be used as a client to call methods on modular device servers. Users can interact with remote modular devices over a serial port using simple serial terminals, such as the Arduino IDE serial monitor, cutecom, PuTTY etc.

Modular Device Server

Firmware for Arduino-like Devices

README files in examples directory of the ModularServer firmware repository are a good place to start reading for more details on interacting with modular devices.


Modular Device Client

Serial Terminal

Serial Terminal

Example Method Calls

blinkLed 0.5 0.5 10



Example Method Calls

led_pin = dev.get_led_pin()



Example Method Calls

led_pin = dev.getLedPin()



Example Method Calls"blinkLed",0.5,0.5,10);
StaticJsonBuffer<80> json_buffer;
long led_pin = dev.callGetResult(json_buffer,"getLedPin");
if (dev.callWasSuccessful())
  Serial << "led_pin: " << led_pin << "\n";



Modular Device Hardware Part Numbers



Setup Git

Clone this Repository

Note that this repository contains submodules. After cloning this repository, run these commands to fetch the data from the submodules:

git submodule init
git submodule update

Example Device Help

  "id": "?",
  "result": {
    "device_id": {
      "name": "pellet_dispenser",
      "form_factor": "5x3",
      "serial_number": 0
    "api": {
      "firmware": [
      "verbosity": "NAMES",
      "functions": [
      "properties": [
      "callbacks": [

Example Device Info

  "id": "getDeviceInfo",
  "result": {
    "processor": "MK64FX512",
    "hardware": [
        "name": "Teensy",
        "version": "3.5"
        "name": "modular_device_base",
        "part_number": 1000,
        "version": "1.1",
        "pins": [
        "name": "stepper_controller",
        "part_number": 1140,
        "version": "1.0"
    "firmware": [
        "name": "ModularServer",
        "version": "5.0.0"
        "name": "ModularDeviceBase",
        "version": "4.0.0"
        "name": "StepDirController",
        "version": "2.2.1"
        "name": "StepperController",
        "version": "2.2.4"
        "name": "StageController",
        "version": "2.2.5"
        "name": "PelletDispenser",
        "version": "2.1.4"

Example Pin Info

  "id": "getPinInfo",
  "result": [
      "name": "bnc_a",
      "hardware": "modular_device_base",
      "callback": "abort",
      "pin_mode": "INTERRUPT_FALLING"
      "name": "bnc_b",
      "hardware": "modular_device_base",
      "callback": "deliver",
      "pin_mode": "INTERRUPT_FALLING"
      "name": "btn_a",
      "hardware": "modular_device_base",
      "callback": "abort",
      "pin_mode": "INTERRUPT_FALLING"
      "name": "led_green",
      "hardware": "modular_device_base",
      "pin_mode": "DIGITAL_OUTPUT"
      "name": "led_yellow",
      "hardware": "modular_device_base",
      "pin_mode": "DIGITAL_OUTPUT"
      "name": "btn_b",
      "hardware": "modular_device_base",
      "callback": "deliver",
      "pin_mode": "INTERRUPT_FALLING"

Example API

  "id": "getApi",
  "result": {
    "firmware": [
    "verbosity": "NAMES",
    "functions": [
    "parameters": [
    "properties": [
    "callbacks": [


This is the main modular-device repository containing all the other modular device repositories as submodules.







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