Instantly test-cover your Django REST Framework based API.
Django-REST-Assured adds another layer on top of Django REST Framework's APITestCase which allows covering a set of RESTful resource's endpoints with a single class declaration.
This gives both a quick coverage of sanity tests to your API and a more DRY and more friendly platform for writing additional, more comprehensive tests.
class CategoryTestCase(ReadWriteRESTAPITestCaseMixin, BaseRESTAPITestCase):
base_name = 'category'
factory_class = CategoryFactory
create_data = {'name': 'comedy'}
update_data = {'name': 'horror'}
Django-REST-Assured is designed to work with factory_boy
for mocking objects to test against. However, you can easily extend the BaseRESTAPITestCase
to work directly with Django Models or any other factory.
- Class-based declarative API for creating tests.
- Covers the stack through:
route > view > serializer > model
. - Uses Django REST Framework's conventions to minimize configuration.
- All tests return the response object for more extensive assertions.
- Automatic mocking of authentication if a user factory is provided.
The basic form of usage is simply to create a class that extends
any mixin from rest_assured.testcases
, according to the
endpoints you wish to cover, and the BaseRESTAPITestCase
Then just set the required attributes, and continue extending it from there.
class CategoryAPITestCase(ReadWriteRESTAPITestCaseMixin, BaseRESTAPITestCase):
base_name = 'category'
factory_class = Category
create_data = {'name', 'documentary'}
update_data = {'name', 'horror'}
If your API requires authentication and/or authorization just add a user factory class. Assuming you use factory_boy:
# in some module in your accounts app
class User(factory.DjangoModelFactory):
class Meta:
model = User
exclude = ('raw_password',)
first_name = 'Robert'
last_name = factory.Sequence(lambda n: 'Paulson the {0}'.format(n))
email = factory.sequence(lambda n: 'account{0}'.format(n))
username = 'mayhem'
raw_password = '123'
password = factory.PostGenerationMethodCall('set_password', raw_password)
is_active = True
# now back in your module
class CategoryAPITestCase(ReadWriteRESTAPITestCaseMixin, BaseRESTAPITestCase):
base_name = 'category'
factory_class = Category
# see here:
user_factory = User
create_data = {'name', 'documentary'}
update_data = {'name', 'horror'}
Tests run against:
- Django 1.6, 1.7, 1.8 & 1.9.
- Django REST Framework 2.4.3, 2.4.4, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 & 3.3.
- Python 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 & 3.5.
$ pip install django-rest-assured
$ git clone
$ python install
Issues are tracked in the github repository.
Pull requests are welcome!
$ pip install pytest pytest-django
$ py.test
Django-REST-Assured is distributed under the BSD license.