$HOME sweet $HOME (inspired by Jess Archer)
Running the install-config
script will install fonts, config files and will switch the Escape and Caps Lock keys.
(If you you want to keep your Caps Lock key then run gsettings reset org.gnome.desktop.input-sources xkb-options
Running the install-terminal
script will install the Kitty terminal emulator.
Running install-nvim
will install Neovim and all of its plugins and tailored configurations.
Note that I would probably run those scripts in that order, but it may not matter
For proper setup of everything you must have the following installed on a Linux computer:
- xclip
- tmux
- curl
- unzip
- fzf
- ripgrep
- Install LSP's (and configure in Nvim) for HTML, Css, Sass, Javascript, Typescript, Ruby, SQL...
- Symlink
to $NVM_DIR in install script so global packages (mostly language servers) can be used on different versions of Node. - PHP installation (xml and mbstring libs both needed)
- Code interpretation through a Dockerfile would be awesome, but may not be possible
- null-ls.nvim looks interesting but I don't know use cases for why NVim would need to be an LSP server (add JA config if adding)
- linter plugin support?
- tpope's projectionist plugin looks helpful for dedicated frameworks (e.g. laravel, symfony); setup with JA as reference if adding