Fast and Simplified C#.Net Linq for C++ !
1 - GCC/Clang
- add Options -std=c++14 and -I"YourPath"/include to your compilation
2 - Visual Studio
- Go to your Project "Properties" -> "C/C++" -> "General"
- Add "include" folder path in section "Additional Include Directories"
e.g: $(SolutionDir)\include
- Go to your Project "Properties" -> "C/C++" -> "Language"
- Select ISO C++14 in section "C++ Language Standard"
$> make && make run
- Create a new project
- Follow the installation steps
- Add overhead.cpp to your project
- Compile and run :)
#include "linq/linq.h"
- All
- Select
- SelectMany
- Where
- OrderBy
- GroupBy
- Skip, SkipWhile
- Take, TakeWhile
- Count, Any
- Sum, Min, Max
- Range
- Single, Last
- Concat
- Distinct, Union, Intersect, Except
- Contains