Easier configuration and deployment of Rails apps on Heroku
Configure your Heroku environment via a YML file (config/heroku.yml) that defines all your environments, addons, and environment variables.
Heroku Rails also handles asset packaging (via jammit), deployment of assets to s3 (via jammit-s3).
Add this to your Gemfile:
group :development do
gem 'heroku-rails'
To install add the following to config/environment.rb:
config.gem 'heroku-rails'
Rake tasks are not automatically loaded from gems, so you’ll need to add the following to your Rakefile:
require 'heroku/rails/tasks'
rescue LoadError
STDERR.puts "Run `rake gems:install` to install heroku-rails"
In config/heroku.yml you will need add the Heroku apps that you would like to attach to this project. You can generate this file and edit it by running:
rails generate heroku:config
production: awesomeapp
staging: awesomeapp-staging
legacy: awesomeapp-legacy
all: bamboo-mri-1.9.2
legacy: bamboo-ree-1.8.7
BUNDLE_WITHOUT: "test:development"
MONGODB_URI: "mongodb://[username:password@]host1[:port1][/database]"
MONGODB_URI: "mongodb://[username:password@]host1[:port1][/database]"
- "heroku1@somedomain.com"
- "heroku2@somedomain.com"
- "awesomeapp.com"
- "www.awesomeapp.com"
- newrelic:bronze
# add any other addons here
- ssl:piggyback
- cron:daily
# list production env specific addons here
To set heroku up (using your heroku.yml), just run.
rake all heroku:setup
This will create the heroku apps you have defined, and create the settings for each.
Run rake heroku:setup
every time you edit the heroku.yml. It will only make incremental changes (based on what you've added/removed). If nothing has changed in the heroku.yml since the last heroku:setup
, then no heroku changes will be sent.
After configuring your Heroku apps you can use rake tasks to control the apps.
rake production heroku:deploy
A rake task with the shorthand name of each app is now available and adds that server to the list that subsequent commands will execute on. Because this list is additive, you can easily select which servers to run a command on.
rake demo staging heroku:restart
A special rake task 'all' is created that causes any further commands to execute on all heroku apps.
Need to add remotes for each app?
rake all heroku:remotes
A full list of tasks provided:
rake all # Select all Heroku apps for later command
rake heroku:deploy # Deploys, migrates and restarts latest code.
rake heroku:apps # Lists configured apps
rake heroku:info # Queries the heroku status info on each app
rake heroku:console # Opens a remote console
rake heroku:capture # Captures a bundle on Heroku
rake heroku:remotes # Add git remotes for all apps in this project
rake heroku:migrate # Migrates and restarts remote servers
rake heroku:restart # Restarts remote servers
rake heroku:setup # runs all heroku setup scripts
rake heroku:setup:addons # sets up the heroku addons
rake heroku:setup:collaborators # sets up the heroku collaborators
rake heroku:setup:config # sets up the heroku config env variables
rake heroku:setup:domains # sets up the heroku domains
rake heroku:setup:stacks # sets the correct stack for each heroku app
rake heroku:db:setup # Migrates and restarts remote servers
You can easily alias frequently used tasks within your application's Rakefile:
task :deploy => ["heroku:deploy"]
task :console => ["heroku:console"]
task :capture => ["heroku:capture"]
With this in place, you can be a bit more terse:
rake staging console
rake all deploy
You can easily hook into the deploy process by defining any of the following rake tasks.
When you ran rails generate heroku:config
, it created a list of empty rake tasks within lib/tasks/heroku.rake. Edit these rake tasks to provide custom logic for before/after deployment.
namespace :heroku do
# runs before all the deploys complete
task :before_deploy do
# runs before each push to a particular heroku deploy environment
task :before_each_deploy do
# runs after each push to a particular heroku deploy environment
task :after_each_deploy do
# runs after all the deploys complete
task :after_deploy do
Homepage:: http://github.com/railsjedi/heroku-rails
Issue Tracker:: http://github.com/railsjedi/heroku-rails/issues
License:: Copyright (c) 2010 Jacques Crocker railsjedi@gmail.com released under the MIT license.
Heroku Rails is a fork and rewrite/reorganiziation of the heroku_sans gem. Heroku Sans is a simple and elegant set of Rake tasks for managing Heroku environments. Check out that project here: http://github.com/fastestforward/heroku_san
- Elijah Miller (elijah.miller@gmail.com)
- Glenn Roberts (glenn.roberts@siyelo.com)
- Damien Mathieu (42@dmathieu.com)
License:: Copyright (c) 2009 Elijah Miller elijah.miller@gmail.com, released under the MIT license.