Scripts that could be injected in MITM attacks using dSploit for Android.
- redirect.js - Script that will redirect victim to a new page when the first page loads
- rickroll.js - Rick roll's the victim by spamming alert boxes with the whole song
- rickroll2.js - Rick roll's the victim by spamming alert boxes with the whole song, while playing the song in the background
- move.js - Moves the page a few pixels up and then down constantly
- rotate.js - Rotates images in webpage
- reverse.js - Reverses images
- blinkRed.js - Text is blinking red and black
- textSize.js - Increasing and decreasing text size
The full license text is included in LICENSE.txt
- Iakovos Gurulian
- jkush321
- txt3rob
The scripts that have been developed by jkush321 are licensed under the MIT license. They have been taken from this repo: and commited by txt3rob.