Model fire rate of spread, intensity, and more for surface fires and crown fires using the extended Rothermel model. Pyrothermel provides a Python interface to the C++ code that underlies Behave, Flammap, and other software tools maintained by the Missoula Fire Lab*.
Please submit bugs and feature requests as Github issues. Note, there may be some API changes in early versions of this package.
*Pyrothermel and its authors are not associated with the Missoula Fire Lab or the US Government.
- Python >= 3.8
- setuptools
- A C++ compiler The C++ compilers used for testing were Visual Studio 2022 and gcc for WSL. A compiler is not needed if you are using Windows, Python version 12, and amd64 processor architecture.
pip install pyrothermel
git clone
python bdist_wheel
Install (Will need to replace filename of wheel to match your machine and python version)
pip install dist/[your-file-name.whl] --force-reinstall
import pyrothermel
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
moisture = pyrothermel.MoistureScenario.from_existing(dead_fuel_moisture_class='low',live_fuel_moisture_class='moderate')
fuel = pyrothermel.FuelModel.from_existing(identifier='TL8')
canopy_base_height = 2.5 # default unit is m
canopy_bulk_density = .1 # default unit is kg/m^3
# Print some fuel loading values from fuel model TL8
print([fuel.fuel_load_one_hour, fuel.fuel_load_ten_hour, fuel.fuel_load_hundred_hour])
[1.300187341185569, 0.31383832373444764, 0.2465872543627803]
results_list = []
for wind_speed in range(0,60,2):
run = pyrothermel.PyrothermelRun(fuel,moisture,wind_speed,wind_input_mode='ten_meter',canopy_base_height=canopy_base_height,canopy_bulk_density=canopy_bulk_density,canopy_cover=.5,canopy_height=20,canopy_ratio=.6)
results_surface = run.run_surface_fire_in_direction_of_max_spread()
results_final = run.run_crown_fire_scott_and_reinhardt()
results_final['wind_speed'] = wind_speed
results_final['treatment'] = 'untreated'
untreated_crowning_index = run.calculate_crowning_index()
untreated_torching_index = run.calculate_torching_index()
df = pd.DataFrame(results_list)
<style scoped>
.dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type {
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spread_rate | flame_length | fireline_intensity | scorch_height | transition_ratio | active_ratio | fire_type | wind_speed | treatment | |
0 | 0.035297 | 0.850504 | 182.940784 | 5.005403 | 0.274758 | 0.025974 | Surface | 0 | untreated |
1 | 0.036477 | 0.863471 | 189.058483 | 5.150455 | 0.283946 | 0.033603 | Surface | 2 | untreated |
2 | 0.038485 | 0.885015 | 199.463628 | 5.391881 | 0.299574 | 0.046541 | Surface | 4 | untreated |
3 | 0.040997 | 0.911142 | 212.486479 | 5.685303 | 0.319133 | 0.062713 | Surface | 6 | untreated |
4 | 0.043907 | 0.940336 | 227.566123 | 6.013981 | 0.341781 | 0.081423 | Surface | 8 | untreated |
5 | 0.047152 | 0.971693 | 244.386618 | 6.367902 | 0.367044 | 0.102279 | Surface | 10 | untreated |
6 | 0.050693 | 1.004603 | 262.738585 | 6.740268 | 0.394606 | 0.125023 | Surface | 12 | untreated |
7 | 0.054500 | 1.038631 | 282.470446 | 7.126172 | 0.424242 | 0.149466 | Surface | 14 | untreated |
8 | 0.058551 | 1.073456 | 303.466091 | 7.521935 | 0.455775 | 0.175465 | Surface | 16 | untreated |
9 | 0.062828 | 1.108839 | 325.633015 | 7.924731 | 0.489067 | 0.202906 | Surface | 18 | untreated |
10 | 0.067316 | 1.144599 | 348.895334 | 8.332347 | 0.524005 | 0.231694 | Surface | 20 | untreated |
11 | 0.072003 | 1.180595 | 373.189391 | 8.743023 | 0.560492 | 0.261751 | Surface | 22 | untreated |
12 | 0.076879 | 1.216721 | 398.460819 | 9.155342 | 0.598447 | 0.293011 | Surface | 24 | untreated |
13 | 0.081935 | 1.252892 | 424.662512 | 9.568151 | 0.637799 | 0.325414 | Surface | 26 | untreated |
14 | 0.087161 | 1.289045 | 451.753155 | 9.980508 | 0.678487 | 0.358909 | Surface | 28 | untreated |
15 | 0.092553 | 1.325129 | 479.696141 | 10.391632 | 0.720454 | 0.393453 | Surface | 30 | untreated |
16 | 0.098102 | 1.361104 | 508.458756 | 10.800878 | 0.763653 | 0.429003 | Surface | 32 | untreated |
17 | 0.103804 | 1.396940 | 538.011536 | 11.207708 | 0.808038 | 0.465524 | Surface | 34 | untreated |
18 | 0.109653 | 1.432613 | 568.327776 | 11.611672 | 0.853570 | 0.502983 | Surface | 36 | untreated |
19 | 0.115645 | 1.468107 | 599.383126 | 12.012394 | 0.900212 | 0.541350 | Surface | 38 | untreated |
20 | 0.121775 | 1.503406 | 631.155270 | 12.409561 | 0.947930 | 0.580597 | Surface | 40 | untreated |
21 | 0.128040 | 1.538500 | 663.623663 | 12.802911 | 0.996695 | 0.620699 | Surface | 42 | untreated |
22 | 0.241603 | 3.448728 | 1474.064719 | 13.192226 | 1.046476 | 0.661632 | Torching | 44 | untreated |
23 | 0.379762 | 5.160256 | 2697.956066 | 13.577327 | 1.097248 | 0.703375 | Torching | 46 | untreated |
24 | 0.536191 | 7.103385 | 4357.386068 | 13.958064 | 1.148986 | 0.745907 | Torching | 48 | untreated |
25 | 0.711691 | 9.296938 | 6524.360652 | 14.334319 | 1.201667 | 0.789210 | Torching | 50 | untreated |
26 | 0.907056 | 11.754955 | 9275.974007 | 14.705996 | 1.255270 | 0.833266 | Torching | 52 | untreated |
27 | 1.123074 | 14.489637 | 12694.462206 | 15.073021 | 1.309773 | 0.878058 | Torching | 54 | untreated |
28 | 1.360525 | 17.512343 | 16867.255868 | 15.435336 | 1.365159 | 0.923571 | Torching | 56 | untreated |
29 | 1.620185 | 20.833995 | 21887.031854 | 15.792902 | 1.421409 | 0.969790 | Torching | 58 | untreated |
fuel.fuel_load_one_hour *= .5
fuel.fuel_load_ten_hour *= .5
fuel.fuel_load_hundred_hour *= .75
fuel.fuel_bed_depth *= .5
results_list = []
for wind_speed in range(0,60,2):
run = pyrothermel.PyrothermelRun(fuel,moisture,wind_speed,wind_input_mode='ten_meter',canopy_base_height=2.5,canopy_bulk_density=.1,canopy_cover=.5,canopy_height=20,canopy_ratio=.6)
results_surface = run.run_surface_fire_in_direction_of_max_spread()
results_final = run.run_crown_fire_scott_and_reinhardt()
results_final['wind_speed'] = wind_speed
results_final['treatment'] = 'treated'
treated_crowning_index = run.calculate_crowning_index()
treated_torching_index = run.calculate_torching_index()
df_treated = pd.DataFrame(results_list)
df = pd.concat([df,df_treated])
sns.lineplot(df,x='wind_speed',y='flame_length',hue='treatment').set(xlabel='Wind Speed (km/hr)',ylabel='Flame Length (m)')
[Text(0.5, 0, 'Wind Speed (km/hr)'), Text(0, 0.5, 'Flame Length (m)')]
print('Wind Speed to initiate crown fire in untreated stand: ', untreated_torching_index, ' km/hr')
print('Wind Speed to initiate crown fire in treated stand: ', treated_torching_index, ' km/hr')
print('Wind Speed to propagate crown fire in untreated stand: ', untreated_crowning_index, ' km/hr')
print('Wind Speed to propagate crown fire in treated stand: ', treated_crowning_index, ' km/hr')
Wind Speed to initiate crown fire in untreated stand: 43 km/hr
Wind Speed to initiate crown fire in treated stand: 98 km/hr
Wind Speed to propagate crown fire in untreated stand: 60 km/hr
Wind Speed to propagate crown fire in treated stand: 60 km/hr