This library provides static python classes for building pipelines in PDAL (the Point Data Abstraction Library) and provides utilities for downloading lidar data from USGS 3DEP, slicing data into tiles, and processing tiles in parallel. See example usage below.
The automated update process for this library is currently broken and needs to be reworked, thus may not be compatible with the current version of PDAL. Originally developed for pdal version 4.8.2, though bugs may still be present regardless of pdal version.
Basic Install:
conda install pdal -c conda-forge
pip install pdal-piper
# Optional dependency
conda install geopandas -c conda-forge
It is strongly recommended that you make use of Conda’s environment management system and install PDAL in a separate environment (i.e., not the base environment). Instructions can be found on the Conda website.
For advanced users who need to re-execute, you will need to setup PDAL/PDAL
as a submodule in order
to access the PDAL documentation. Use git submodule update --init --recursive to download or update pdal. Updating the
USGS 3DEP availability map is a similar process that relies on hobuinc/usgs-lidar
as a submodule.
In this example, we will find public lidar data on an online server, download data, clean it, canopy height statistics, and write files locally.
First we need to get some data to work with. I will show one method to pull data from an online server. First, we must define an area of interest using a bounding box [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
In the first cell, I demonstrate how you can extract a bounding box from an interactive map using ipyleaflet (conda install ipyleaflet
). Alternatively, you can skip this step and input a bounding box manually.
import ipyleaflet
basemap = ipyleaflet.TileLayer(url='{z}/{y}/{x}')
m = ipyleaflet.Map(center=[39, -100], zoom=5, scroll_wheel_zoom=True, basemap=basemap)
layers='23',opacity=.5,name='USGS 3DEP overlay'))
bbox = None
def handle_draw(target, action, geo_json):
global bbox
coords = geo_json['geometry']['coordinates'][0]
bbox = [coords[0][0], coords[0][1], coords[2][0], coords[2][1]]
draw_control = ipyleaflet.DrawControl(rectangle={'shapeOptions': {'color': '#0000FF'}},
polyline={}, polygon={}, circle={}, circlemarker={}, marker={}
# Print bounding box selected in interactive map
# If you want manually input a bounding box, uncomment the line below and edit the values
#bbox = [-111.676326, 35.316211, -111.671391, 35.320098]
[-111.676326, 35.316211, -111.671391, 35.320098]
Next, we can search the USGS 3DEP catalog to find publicly available point clouds that overlap our area of interest using pdal_piper.USGS_3dep_Finder
. USGS 3DEP is stored in Entwine Point Tile (.ept) format which means we can efficiently download small segments of the point cloud using a url.
import pdal_piper
finder = pdal_piper.USGS_3dep_Finder(bbox,'EPSG:4326')
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
name | id | pct_coverage | pts_per_m2 | count | total_area_ha | url | geometry | |
117 | AZ_Coconino_B1_2019 | 117 | 100.0 | 15.372670 | 55223690056 | 359232.920560 | | POLYGON ((-111.67633 35.3201, -111.67139 35.32... |
1194 | USGS_LPC_AZ_VerdeKaibab_B2_2018_LAS_2019 | 1194 | 100.0 | 5.324541 | 35728383864 | 671013.439139 | | POLYGON ((-111.67633 35.3201, -111.67139 35.32... |
# Here we select the URL for the dataset in the first row.
# Alternatively, we could use a loop and download all of the available datasets.
url = finder.select_url(0)
To improve computational efficiency and scalability, we can divide our area of interest into a set of tiles using a Tiler object. We specify the total extent of the tileset and the size of each tile. Notice, our extents are defined by geographic coordinates (degrees lat/lon) but we defined the tile size in meters, therefore, we set convert_units=True
. get_tiles()
gives us some options to format the tiles. We select the first tile from the upper left corner as a test.
tiler = pdal_piper.Tiler(extents = bbox, tile_size=100, buffer=0, convert_units=True, crs='EPSG:4326')
tile_bounds = tiler.get_tiles(format_as_pdal_str=True,flatten=False)
first_tile_bounds = tile_bounds[0,0]
We need to create a processing pipeline that defines all actions we want PDAL to execute. Each action in the pipeline is described by a 'stage'. In other workflows, the stages are combined in a json-like object, stored as a text file, and run through PDAL via the command line interface. In contrast, pdal_piper
makes the experience more Pythonic by providing a Python class with built-in documentation for each stage. We use these classes to define each stage, then combine the stages in a list, then pass the list into a Piper object. The Piper object will format the json text and pass it to PDAL for execution.
# Import the stages
import pdal_piper.stages as pps
# Define processing pipeline for the first tile
stages = [
# Read point cloud data from online source
pps.readers_ept(filename=url, bounds=first_tile_bounds),
# Find and remove outliers
# Calculate height above ground for veg points
# Save point cloud to disk
pps.writers_copc(filename='D:/DataWork/ALS_test/my_points.laz', extra_dims='all'),
# Calculate canopy metrics
pps.writers_gdal(filename='D:/DataWork/ALS_test/canopy_metrics.tif', resolution=1,
dimension='HeightAboveGround', output_type='all', binmode=True)
# Create Piper object that handles formatting
piper = pdal_piper.Piper(stages)
# View pipeline in json formatting
'[{"type": "readers.ept", "filename": "", "bounds": "([-111.676326, -111.67522509346652], [35.3191979991, 35.320098], [-9999, 9999])/EPSG:4326"}, {"type": "filters.outlier", "method": "statistical", "mean_k": 12, "multiplier": 2.2}, {"type": "filters.range", "limits": "Classification[0:6]"}, {"type": "filters.hag_delaunay"}, {"type": "writers.copc", "filename": "D:/DataWork/ALS_test/my_points.laz", "extra_dims": "all"}, {"type": "writers.gdal", "filename": "D:/DataWork/ALS_test/canopy_metrics.tif", "binmode": true, "resolution": 1, "output_type": "all", "dimension": "HeightAboveGround"}]'
# Execute pipeline for first tile as a test
pipeline = piper.to_pdal_pipeline()
# If the log is empty, that is good. Otherwise, errors will show up in the log.
Lastly, we can run the pipeline on all files in the tile set. Tile bounds in the reader stage will automatically be assigned from the unique tile bounds. File names in the writer stages will automatically be assigned a unique value by inserting tile indices between the file basename and the file extension. Pipelines are executed in parallel processes.
Note, if Tiler.buffer>0
and the filters_crop
stage is used in the pipeline, the filter will automatically use the buffered tile extents in the reader and the unbuffered tile extents in the crop filter. In this special case, the CRS of the Tiler must match the CRS of the point cloud.
# Execute pipeline for all tiles
logs = tiler.execute_piper(piper=piper)
[log for log in logs if log != '']
From here, additional analysis can be carried out with your software of choice.