**Initially there were more than 94 commits.
They have been accidentally restored because of attemts to rebase master branch to newer one.
We knew that it's risky so did some screenshoots
Screenshoot 1
Screenshoot 2
Also it's recommended to test this project on localhost. Try instructions given below.
About Tandir-res.uz
Tandir is a software solution for cafe and restourant businesses made in Laravel framework and made with ♥ by 1Techieland™
- Simple
- Powerful
- User-friendly
- Open source
PS: Tandir brand name has created by Techieland for this assignment only (we haven't checked weather this brand name is available out there or not) and we have craeted simple logo for this.
Techieland is our teamname who creates software solutions for businesses.
We tried to treat this assignment process as real as possible.
- Pre-requirements:
- Steps to run the software on your local machine:
- Clone this repository to "xampp/htdocs" directory.
- Open PowerShell and run commands below step by step.
php -r "file_exists('.env') || copy('.env.example', '.env');"
composer install -q --no-ansi --no-interaction --no-scripts --no-suggest --no-progress --prefer-dist
php artisan key:generate
- Run MySQL server via XAMPP
- Create Data Base and name it "laravel"
- Change properties in .env file as follows
DB_HOST= (or alternative host)
DB_USERNAME=root (by default, but if you have another username write it)
DB_PASSWORD= (by default empty, if you have password write it there)
- On PowerShell and run
php artisan migrate
- Run Apache and MySQL Servers and enjoy!
**We are planning to do a Docker image for that app, so in the near future new version will be available on DockerHub also. After release you will need to just pull the image and run container.
- It's really easy!
- Reserve a table and pre-order dishes righ away from site!
- You can do it in 3 steps!
- Open Home page, click red "Order Now" button
- Fill the form for reservation and go down.
- If you want, you can pre-order dishes for a reserved day or just click "Comlete" button and complete reservation process!
- Open tandir-res.uz/admin
- Log-in.
- View and analyse all tables about your business.
- Create/edit/delete some features from your products list.
- Create/edit/delete users and admins.
- Approve the order and send email service.
- dbdiagram.io - web-site for drawing EER Diagrams
- phpMyAdmin
- MariaDB | MySQL
- Mockgaroo - generator of dump information
id |
role |
is_admin |
id |
image |
role_id |
username |
password |
first_name |
last_name |
phone_number |
id |
name |
description |
portion_units |
id |
name |
image |
category_id |
price |
portion |
is_available |
ingredients |
id |
first_name |
phone_number |
number_of_people |
date |
time |
total_price |
is_approved |
approved_by |
id |
order_id |
meal_id |
quantity |
order_time |
total_price |