CKAN is a powerful data management system that makes data accessible – by providing tools to streamline publishing, sharing, finding and using data. This project provides everything you need to run CKAN plus a set of extensions for supporting Italian open data in a set of Docker images.
Any Italian public institution that wants to publish its data in an open format should follow these guidelines: "Linee Guida Nazionali per la Valorizzazione del Patrimonio Informativo Pubblico". Technical details and best practices for data catalogues development and management are contained in these guidelines: "Linee guida per i cataloghi dati". Open data published by Italian public institutions should be compliant to the national metadata profile called DCAT-AP_IT.
CKAN-IT is the Italian official CKAN distribution packaged with plugins and external components that ensure the compliance with DCAT_AP-IT and all the official guidelines mentioned above. Docker technology facilitates installation and deploy in production-ready environments. All third-party repository containing source code of components and plugins are mirrored under /italia Github organization, but maintained by original maintainer and community (ie. CKAN core, solr, postgresql, redis, and ckanext-harvest and -dcat). Only three plugins are directly developed and maintained within CKAN-IT project: ckanext-spatial (fork of the official one), -multilang, and -dcatapit. Read below for more details.
The tools used in this repository are
CKAN version 2.6.8 with the extensions listed at the end of this document (see italia/ckan).
Solr version 6.2 packaged for CKAN and with some customizations (see italia/ckan-it-solr).
PostgreSQL version 10.1, modified for CKAN (see, tag latest).
Redis version 5.0.5, pulled in as a dependency from its official Docker repository.
Maintained plugins:
Official third-party plugins:
In this repository, CKAN and its related tools are redistributed as a set of Docker containers interacting with one each other.
The Dockerfile
and the docker-compose.yml
files are in the root of this repository.
NOTE: the
file sets different environment variables that could be used to adapt and customized many platform functionalities, read more in "Environment variables" section below.
If you want a CKAN-IT instance up and running in a couple of minutes, follow these steps.
- Create and enter an empty folder:
mkdir ckan-it && cd ckan-it/
(or use the name you prefer) - Download the
from here - Pull and run all containers:
docker-compose up -d
After a while you can open the CKAN-IT home http://localhost:5000 and login with the provided credentials.
You can follow the log stream running docker-compose logs -f
(then ctrl+c to exit).
The following default credentials can be used to access the portal (you should change them after the first login).
Username: ckanadmin
Password: ckanpassword
If you only want to run a CKAN-IT instance and use it to manage and publish your own data, you can stop here. In a production environment you can install and setup a proxy server in front of CKAN-IT with https support.
WARNING: all data are stored in Docker named volumes! In a production environment you should mount these volumes on local folders updating the docker-compose configuration accordingly.
To bring down and remove the containers use docker-compose down
If you want to build local images instead of pull them from Dockerhub, ie. for testing pourpose, you need some extra steps.
- Clone this repo:
git clone
(if you want to clone the repo in a folder other thanckan-it/
add the name you want after the previous command, ie.git clone my_custom_folder
) - Enter the created folder:
cd ckan-it/
(or the name you have chosen in previous step, my_custom_folder/
) - Change working branch if needed:
git checkout branch-name
- Initialize submodules:
git submodule update --init --recursive
- Build images:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f build
- Run all containers using built images:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up -d
(if you want to check logs rundocker-compose logs -f
This project brings together many components and plugins in a set of Docker images to facilitates installation and deploy. If you already have a running instance of CKAN or if you want to build a custom distribution from scratch you can install and use single plugins following the official documentation.
CKAN-IT can acts also as an aggregator of data sources, harvesting dataset metadata from external sources. If you want to import data from external sources, follow these additional steps.
WARNING: note that if
variable in docker-compose is not set to"true"
no organizations and sources are initially loaded (see below), so you must use the GUI to manually add new organizations and sources of your choice before next steps.
- Browse to http://localhost:5000/harvest to check all available sources or add new sources
- Identify the name of the CKAN container with
docker container ls
) and run the following command:docker exec -it italia-ckan-it /
You can see logs during harvesting import with following command: docker-compose logs -f
You can find more logs in /var/log/ckan
folder inside the container.
Schedule a CRON job on the host machine to run the /
script at the root of the file system of the CKAN container.
How to do this really depends on how you run the containers. When running containers with docker-compose for instance we did this by getting the container id and using docker-exec
to run a command inside the container, as follows:
docker exec -it italia-ckan-it / 2>&1 /var/log/periodic-harvest.out
So you can schedule a periodic run of the above script, ie. every hour, with CRON on the host machine and save logs.
The italia/public-opendata-sources repository contains all sources harvested by the national catalog of the Piattaforma Digitale Nazionale Dati (PDND) - previously DAF.
If you want to import all the official sources provided, simply run CKAN-IT setting the environment variable CKAN_HARVEST="true"
ie. docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.harvest.yml up -d
If you want to include them (and others of your choice) in built images (ie. for testing purpose), follow these additional steps:
- Check if
folder exists and fill them with the content of
(or whatever you want, but be sure that folders and json schemas are the same) - Build images:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f build
- Add
environment variable to the ckan service indocker-compose.yml
(ie. seedocker-compose.harvest.yml
) - Run all containers using built images:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up -d
(if you want to check logs rundocker-compose logs -f
) - Wait for organizations and harvest sources loading, then run
docker exec -it italia-ckan-it /
- Follow previous section to setup a periodic harvesting
Read more here.
The following environment variables are mandatory and should be set in order to deploy CKAN-IT. The docker-compose.yml
file in this repository applies some exemplar values, to be used for demos and local tests.
CKAN_DEBUG (format: {"true"|"false"}) - Whether to activate or not the debug log messages. It should always be false for production environments.
CKAN_HARVEST (format: {"true"|"false"}) - Whether to activate or not the built-in harvesters. It should be false if you want to only build your own catalog and not harvest external sources.
CKAN_SITE_URL - The base URL of your CKAN-IT deployment.
CKAN_ADMIN_EMAIL - The email address of the local admin user.
CKAN_ADMIN_USERNAME - The user name of the local admin user.
CKAN_ADMIN_PASSWORD - The password of the local admin user.
CKAN_DB_HOST - The host name of the CKAN PostgreSQL database.
CKAN_DB_PORT - The port of the CKAN PostgreSQL database.
CKAN_DB_USER - The user name of the CKAN PostgreSQL database.
PGPASSWORD - The password of the CKAN PostgreSQL database.
CKAN_SQLALCHEMY_URL (format: {postgresql://{CKAN_DB_USER}:{PGPASSWORD}@{CKAN_DB_HOST}:{CKAN_DB_PORT}/}) - The connection string to your PostgreSQL database.
CKAN_REDIS_HOST - The host name of your Redis service.
CKAN_REDIS_PORT - The port of your Redis service.
CKAN_REDIS_URL (format: redis://{CKAN_REDIS_HOST}:/{CKAN_REDIS_PORT}) - The full address of the Redis service.
CKAN_SOLR_HOST - The host name of the Solr service.
CKAN_SOLR_PORT - The port of the Solr service.
CKAN_SOLR_URL (format: http://{CKAN_SOLR_HOST}:{CKAN_SOLR_PORT}/solr/ckan) - The full URL of the Solr service.
- stats
- view
- text_view
- image_view
- recline_view
- datastore
- spatial (tag 2.6.8-2)
- spatial_metadata
- spatial_query
- harvest (tag v1.1.1)
- ckan_harvester
- multilang (tag 2.6.8-2)
- multilang_harvester
- dcat (tag v0.0.9)
- dcat_rdf_harvester
- dcat_json_harvester
- dcat_json_interface
- dcatapit (tag 2.6.8-2)
- dcatapit_pkg
- dcatapit_org
- dcatapit_config
- dcatapit_harvester
- dcatapit_csw_harvester
- dcatapit_harvest_list
- dcatapit_subcatalog_facets
Contributions are welcome. Feel free to open issues and submit a pull request at any time!