Start webserver over project repository, browse at http://localhost:80 You can also browse to the project repository directory using any common webserver.
docker run -v $PWD:/usr/share/nginx/html:ro -v $PWD/nginx-example.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf:ro -d -p 80:80 --name swagger-ui nginx
Run the commands in the repository root directory.
Make sure, that the ports 80 and 81 are not used yet!
docker run -v $PWD:/usr/share/nginx/html:ro -v $PWD/nginx-example.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf:ro -d -p 80:80 --name swagger-ui nginx
docker run -d -p 81:8080 -e SWAGGER_FILE=/usr/share/nginx/html/oitc/index.yaml -v $PWD:/usr/share/nginx/html/oitc -v $PWD/external:/usr/share/nginx/html/external swaggerapi/swagger-editor
- Errors like
Semantic error at paths./commands/edit/{commandId}.json
can be ignored if they are triggered because of a path value like {commandId}. - Copy the content of the edited index.yaml to the original file in your IDE to save your changes persistent
docker start swagger-editor swagger-ui
docker stop swagger-editor swagger-ui
docker rm swagger-editor swagger-ui
- Start the swagger-editor docker container as described with your custom repository path
- Start the nginx docker container as described with your custom repository path
- Open the repository in your IDE
- Copy the content of the index.yaml in the swagger-editor web console
- Build a new section (e.g. services/newfeature.json) in the index.yaml in the swagger-editor web console
- After finishing the section (if it works), add the new section to the "real" index.yaml in your IDE. Replace the section contents with a new $ref url.
- If you created a new section, create a new file in the "external" folder with the name of your section and past the contents. (see following scheme example)
- If your section already exists, add your contents to the existing section file in the "external" folder. (see following scheme example)
- Save the files and validate in the swagger-ui that your changes are working
You can not just Copy & Past the contents! Preserve the scheme of the existing section files! Raw example:
Add the following lines to the webserver configuration of an openITCOCKPIT 4 instance.
add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*";
add_header Access-Control-Allow-Methods "GET, POST, DELETE, PUT, PATCH, OPTIONS";
add_header Access-Control-Allow-Headers "Content-Type, Authorization";
if ($request_method = OPTIONS ) {
return 200;
If swagger-api/swagger-editor#2072 is merged, this custom image is not longer required
Start command with custom docker container:
docker run -d -p 81:8080 -e SWAGGER_FILE=/usr/share/nginx/html/oitc/index.yaml -v $PWD:/usr/share/nginx/html/oitc -v $PWD/external:/usr/share/nginx/html/external --name swagger-editor srvitsmdrone01.master.dns:5000/swagger-editor
Start command with original docker container (not working!):
docker run -d -p 81:8080 -e SWAGGER_FILE=/usr/share/nginx/html/oitc/index.yaml -v $PWD:/usr/share/nginx/html/oitc -v $PWD/external:/usr/share/nginx/html/external --name swagger-editor swaggerapi/swagger-editor
git clone -b envvars
cd swagger-editor
npm install
npm run build
docker build -t srvitsmdrone01.master.dns:5000/swagger-editor .
docker push srvitsmdrone01.master.dns:5000/swagger-editor