An implementation of the Stomp protocol for Ruby. See:
- STOMP 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2
See CHANGELOG.rdoc for details.
Gem version 1.2.16. Fixed Stomp::Client to expose its connection’s host parameters.
Gem version 1.2.15. Timeout cleanup, added license info to gemspec.
Gem version 1.2.14. Cleanup.
Gem version 1.2.13. Stomp::Client#unreceive max_redeliveries fix.
Gem version 1.2.12. Miscellaneous issue fixes and cleanup.
Gem version 1.2.11. JRuby and AMQ support fixes.
Gem version 1.2.10. Support failover from heartbeat threads.
Gem version 1.2.9. Miscellaneous fixes and changes.
Gem version 1.2.8. Stomp 1.1+ header codec inversion fix, test refactoring.
Gem version 1.2.7. Stomp 1.2 support and miscellaneous fixes.
Gem version 1.2.6. Miscellaneous fixes and changes.
Gem version 1.2.5. Restructure. Forks with modifcations will be affected.
Gem version 1.2.4. Stomp 1.1 heartbeat fix, autoflush capability, miscellaneous fixes.
Gem version 1.2.3. Miscellaneous fixes, see changelog for details.
Gem version 1.2.2. Performance and more SSL enhancements.
Gem version 1.2.1. Full support of SSL certificates.
Gem version 1.2.0. Support of Stomp protocol level 1.1.
hash = { :hosts => [ # First connect is to remotehost1 {:login => "login1", :passcode => "passcode1", :host => "remotehost1", :port => 61612, :ssl => true}, # First failover connect is to remotehost2 {:login => "login2", :passcode => "passcode2", :host => "remotehost2", :port => 61613, :ssl => false}, ], # These are the default parameters and do not need to be set :reliable => true, # reliable (use failover) :initial_reconnect_delay => 0.01, # initial delay before reconnect (secs) :max_reconnect_delay => 30.0, # max delay before reconnect :use_exponential_back_off => true, # increase delay between reconnect attpempts :back_off_multiplier => 2, # next delay multiplier :max_reconnect_attempts => 0, # retry forever, use # for maximum attempts :randomize => false, # do not radomize hosts hash before reconnect :connect_timeout => 0, # Timeout for TCP/TLS connects, use # for max seconds :connect_headers => {}, # user supplied CONNECT headers (req'd for Stomp 1.1+) :parse_timeout => 5, # receive / read timeout, secs :logger => nil, # user suplied callback logger instance :dmh => false, # do not support multihomed IPV4 / IPV6 hosts during failover :closed_check => true, # check first if closed in each protocol method :hbser => false, # raise on heartbeat send exception :stompconn => false, # Use STOMP instead of CONNECT :usecrlf => false, # Use CRLF command and header line ends (1.2+) :max_hbread_fails => 0, # Max HB read fails before retry. 0 => never retry :max_hbrlck_fails => 0, # Max HB read lock obtain fails before retry. 0 => never retry :fast_hbs_adjust => 0.0, # Fast heartbeat senders sleep adjustment, seconds, needed ... # For fast heartbeat senders. 'fast' == YMMV. If not # correct for your environment, expect unnecessary fail overs :connread_timeout => 0, # Timeout during CONNECT for read of CONNECTED/ERROR, secs } # for client client = # for connection connection =
client ="user", "pass", "localhost", 61613) client.publish("/queue/mine", "hello world!") client.subscribe("/queue/mine") do |msg| p msg end
# Stomp URL : A Stomp URL must begin with 'stomp://' and can be in one of the following forms: stomp://host:port stomp://host.domain.tld:port stomp://login:passcode@host:port stomp://login:passcode@host.domain.tld:port e.g. c =
options = "initialReconnectDelay=5000&randomize=false&useExponentialBackOff=false" # remotehost1 uses SSL, remotehost2 doesn't client ="failover:(stomp+ssl://login1:passcode1@remotehost1:61612,stomp://login2:passcode2@remotehost2:61613)?#{options}") client.publish("/queue/mine", "hello world!") client.subscribe("/queue/mine") do |msg| p msg end
Up until March 2009 the project was maintained and primarily developed by Brian McCallister.
The following people have contributed to Stomp:
Brian McCallister
Glenn Rempe <>
Marius Mathiesen <>
Johan S√∏rensen <>
Thiago Morello
Guy M. Allard <>
Tony Garnock-Jones <>
Stefan Saasen
Neil Wilson
Dinesh Majrekar
Kiall Mac Innes
Rob Skaggs
Tom May
Lucas Hills
Chris Needham
R.I. Pienaar
James Pearson
Tommy Bishop
Jeremy Gailor
JP Hastings-Spital
Glenn Roberts
Ian Smith