For Mac:
Install Ripple
git clone
cd BBX-Framework
git checkout next
./configure (sudo ./configure if you get permission errors)
cd BBX-Framework\dependencies\BBX-Emulator
Start emulator server on port 8472 with: jake
Send a command to start Ripple with: curl http://localhost:8472/webview/create
Check that Ripple starts up.
cd back to BBX-Framework\
Run 'jake test' and check that jake runs and completes
For Windows:
Install Ripple
Follow npm install instructions:
Install the latest node.exe for Windows (Currently 0.5.10):
git clone
cd BBX-Framework
git checkout next
Run configure.bat (If you have trouble with npm install express, get it from here: git clone )
Open git shell, navigate to BBX-Framework and run: git submodule update --init
Run the unit tests: jake test