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native app for streaming motion sensors through websockets and/or OSC

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Install Node.js. Prefer the long-term support (LTS) version, at least v16.

Install (or update) npm, yarn and eas-cli globally.

npm -g install npm yarn eas-cli

Install project dependencies with `yarn`.

yarn install

Tested with:

  • node 22
  • java 17
  • npx expo (locally installed in project, not global, also called "versioned expo")

Android and iOS Build tools

As we are using react-native-udp which is not included in expo-go, we must create a custom development build that include the binaries from react-native-udp.


Therefore we need the build tools for android (Android Studio) and iOS (XCode)

Android notes

Android SDK

Install Android studio. After installation, you can choose More Actions then SDK Manager to configure SDK tools and emulators.

  • In SDK Platformstab, you may need to install extensions *-ext for you current platform.

  • In SDK Tools, install:

    • Command-line tools
    • You may need to install NDK, CMake

For local builds, The paths to the Android SDK must be registered in eas.json for each build channel, i.e.:

"build": {
  "development": {
    "developmentClient": true,
    "distribution": "internal",
    "android": {
      "buildType": "apk"
    "env": {
      "ANDROID_SDK_ROOT": "~/Library/Android/sdk"

In your profile we should also something like to access adb (and probably other things):

# android
export ANDROID_HOME="${HOME}/Library/Android/sdk"
if [ -d "$ANDROID_HOME" ] ; then
    export PATH="${PATH}:${ANDROID_HOME}/tools:${ANDROID_HOME}/platform-tools"

    if [ -d "${ANDROID_HOME}/ndk" ] ; then
        android_ndk_version="$( basename "$(ls -d "${ANDROID_HOME}/ndk"/* | tail -1 )" )"
        export ANDROID_NDK_HOME="${ANDROID_HOME}/ndk/${android_ndk_version}"

The build tools require the Java JDK 17, cf. :

Then select a version in you shell profile.

# android studio tools
export JAVA_HOME="$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 17)"

Apple Notes


Install Xcode, and open it. Install iOS platform.

brew install fastlane
brew install cocoapods

Note: if you install native modules, you must install cocoapods again. One way is to run again npx expo prebuild.



  • it might be easier to do deal with certificates with Xcode, and eas.
  • you might need to be admin at <>

Create a certificate signing request using

Use it to create a new certificate from you Apple developer account.

You may also need to import distribution certificates from

See *[expo] fr.ircam.ismm.comote AdHoc 1674659444844

Local development and pre-build

Generate prebuild folders, named ios and android.

npx expo prebuild

(The previous command may fail due to the debugger of Visual Studio Code. In that case, try to run in in a standard terminal.)

If it does not build, you will need to remove the created folders.

rm -rf ios android


Generate development build.

eas build --local --profile development --platform android

Install on device.

You can use an http-server:

npm -g install http-server
http-server .

On device, open Google Chrome and type the URL given by the server. Download and install the apk.

You can also install via adb.

  • plug the device
  • trust the computer
  • allow for file transfer from USB
  • allow developer mode on device
  • type adb install build-latest.apk

You can also install and run a build on a device with the following command:

npx expo run:android --device


You can install and run a build on a device with the following command:

npx expo run:ios --device

Alternatively, you can generate development build.

eas build --local --profile development --platform ios

Be sure to select the local devices allowed to install the app.

If it does not build, use xCode. In particular, check the signing capabilities.

xed ios
  • plug your device
  • trust the computer
  • in xCode, select the device, then click Run to build, install, and run the application on the device
  • click Stop to stop the application on the device

To install and run on an iOs simulator, repeat the xCode procedure (select a simulated device, then run and stop).


Start expo. (The --dev-client is unnecessary since expo 49.)

npx expo start

Expo-go must be installed on the device, but you should use the installed pre-built application.

Flash the QR-code to start the application:

  • iOS: use the Camera app
  • Android: use the Expo-Go app

Warning, if you use a local IP, you should generate an ad-hoc QR-code. Here is an exemple for

npm -g install qrcode
qrcode 'exp+comote://expo-development-client/?url=http%3A%2F%2F10.10.0.1%3A8081'

You can enter URL manually in your development built app

While running app, shake the device on the left or on the right to access the debugger. You can deactivate that in the menu, as you might want to shake the device. Then, type m in the console where you started expo to toggle the menu.

You can press j in the console to start a debugger.

Pre-production test

The easiest way to simulate how your project will run on end users' devices is with the command:

npx expo start --no-dev --minify

However, this might no be enough, as the build is different. It notably differs when the app is suspended (move to background, device lock). Note the usage of the --device flag to be able to select a real device.

npx expo run:ios --configuration Release --device

Build and deploy

yarn install


Build (online) and submit.

eas build --profile production --platform ios
eas submit --platform ios

If the submission fails, use the website:

Sometimes it is not possible to log to the Apple developer account. It is possible to build without connecting, using old credentials.


Build (online) and submit.

eas build --profile production --platform android
eas submit --platform android

If there is a problem during submission, it might be necessary to to a manual submission. This can happen if there is a new permission for the application or when Google changed its policy.

Download the build artifact and submit via the Google Play Console. It might trigger a new permission setting, that was not displayed until a version uses a build that uses this permission.


rm -rf yarn.lock node_modules
yarn install
yarn upgrade --latest
npx expo-doctor
npx expo install --fix
npx expo-doctor
rm -rf android ios

Prebuild and build again the development versions, to use with expo.

Message format


e = {
  source: 'comote',
  api: 'v3',
  id, // string

  // attributes, inherited Sensor attributes, constructor options

  // timestamp is a monotonic time, in milliseconds

  accelerometer: {
    x, // m/s^2
    y, // m/s^2
    z, // m/s^2
    timestamp, // ms
    frequency, // hz

  gyroscope: {
    x, // rad/s
    y, // rad/s
    z, // rad/s
    timestamp, // ms
    frequency, // hz

  magnetometer: {
    x, // uT
    y, // uT
    z, // uT
    timestamp, // ms
    frequency, // hz

  gravity: {
    x, // uT
    y, // uT
    z, // uT
    timestamp, // ms
    frequency, // hz

  // not standardised, yet. 
  // See
  heading: {
    magnetic, // degrees (0 is magnetic north, 90 is east)
    geographic, // degrees (0 is geographic north, 90 is east), -1 if not available
    accuracy, // degrees or -1 of not available
    timestamp, // ms
    frequency, // hz

  control: {
    [key]: value, // e.g. `buttonA: 1,`
    // Any complex value must be serialised to a string, like:
    // 'kpad/pad': '[{"x":0.5155333381717427,"y":0.7701943570672625}]'
    timestamp, // ms

OSC format


  • All values are float32 f, int32 i or string s. Complex values must be serialised to a string.
  • timestamp is a monotonic time in milliseconds that should start at 0 with the application to fit in float32, or it should be a float64.
  • Undefined values are set to -1.
  • Any boolean value is converted to an integer: 1 for true and 0 for false
/<source>/<api>/<id>/accelerometer  [x, y, z, timestamp, frequency]
/<source>/<api>/<id>/gyroscope      [x, y, z, timestamp, frequency]
/<source>/<api>/<id>/magnetometer   [x, y, z, timestamp, frequency]
/<source>/<api>/<id>/gravity        [x, y, z, timestamp, frequency]
/<source>/<api>/<id>/heading        [magnetic, geographic, accuracy, timestamp, frequency]
/<source>/<api>/<id>/control/<key>  [value, timestamp]



  • fix full-screen glitches

    • do not reload page
      • in React (CoMote), re-use WebView (cf. createPortal, forwardRef, etc.)
      • in Soundworks (user WebView), use createHook on the server side
  • bad sample rate on first run of application (100 ms instead of 10 ms as displayed)

  • wake-up lock does not work with iPhone XR and iOS 17.12

  • Any platform: check connection status

  • Any platform : change OSC port while connected: should reconnect

  • Any platform: missing or late samples on touch screen events Wait for engine to run in background

  • iOS: after device sleep: sample period is 100ms

  • iOS: not all sample period values allowed:

    • 5 ms is not possible, gives 10
    • 10 ms seems fine
    • 15 ms oscillates between 10 and 20
    • 20 ms seems fine
    • 30 ms oscillates between 20 and 40
    • 40 ms seems fine
    • keep:
      • 0 for auto
      • 10
      • 20
      • 40
  • Android: sample period is a little more than specified

  • every 5ms?

    • 0 for auto
    • 10 (request 9)
    • 20 (request 18)
    • 40 (request 38)

Target v2-beta - WebView

  • Unify message format for buttons

    • osc comote/${id}/control/${key} value
    • ws control: { [key]: value }
  • Add QRcode webview key

    • url if starts with http
    • else html
  • add Setting field to configure webview

    • [HTML] content if not URL
  • Store webviewContent (tbc)

  • WebView

    • [-] fallback in case of 404 error
    • [-] define what to do in case of invalid input -> let's just rely on default browser behavior
    • timer for retry on load error
  • properly redirect QRcode to Play or WebView

  • fix: webview should try reload only when screen is focused

Target v2.1

Target v2

Target v1.4 - September 2023

  • no more background image
  • OSC port and host
  • display sensors period in settings screen
  • float input for sensors rate
  • lock screen with playable buttons
  • update Android version, as required by Google Play Store
  • update Expo version

Target v1.3 - June 2023

Rename CoMo.te to Comote:

  • Application

    • texts
    • picture in welcome screen
  • Ircam Forum

  • [w] Apple Store

    • text
    • screenshots
  • Google Store

    • text
    • screenshots
  • do not bind udp socket: use automatic port

  • exclusive port

  • check OSC send on iOS

  • [-] rotate sockets for quick send: no

  • async send (requestAnimationFrame or setTimeout), worker, queueMicrotask

    • OSC
    • [-] WebBocket: not necessary
  • automatically reconnect server, when possible

  • check the use of React states in UseEffect functions, that need to be pure

  • do not resample (use sensors callback)

  • [-] estimate sensors sample rate: jitter in JavaScript user code

Target v1 - 15-20 May 2022

  • review icons and splash screen (make them brighter and more graphic)

  • allow to define an id on client

  • OSC configuration

  • [-] use (broken)

  • review config to have only a global framerate

  • review message format

  • add gyroscope

  • update all settings from QRCode

  • Error screen if sensors are not available

  • OSC client

  • connection infos on play page

  • remove sampleRate in favor of period

  • id as string

  • allow to lock all interactions on play screen (sse

  • fix QR code

  • keep awake on play

  • rename to CoMo.te

  • register fr.ircam.ismm.comote

  • name -> rename to CoMo-te ? (see stores)

  • icons -> to review

  • colours

  • add info tab

  • performance on Android v8

  • i18n - at least french and english

  • review Home buttons, be consistent with the bottom menu

JS helpers

See comote-bench project.

import { getWifiInfos, CoMoteServer } from '@ircam/comote-helpers/server.js';
await getWifiInfos() -> { ssid, ip }

new comote.Server(config, { verbose = false }) -> CoMoteServer {
  await start();
  await close();
  addListener(callback) -> () => removeEventListener(callback);

// server + client
import { qrCode } from '@ircam/comote-helpers/qr-code.js';


Max abstraction

jpatcher w/ jweb


native app for streaming motion sensors through websockets and/or OSC






No packages published

Contributors 4
