feat(ci): update inbrowser.link on release publish #117
Fleek.co / helia-service-worker-gateway
Mar 15, 2024 in 1m 34s
Build succeed
You can preview build output on the link below.
Deploy started at 2024-03-15T23:04:55.456Z
2024-03-15T23:04:56.466Z: Deploy started
2024-03-15T23:04:58.640Z: Docker image: 'node:slim'
2024-03-15T23:04:58.640Z: Build command: 'npm ci && npm run build'
2024-03-15T23:04:58.640Z: Triggering build execution...
2024-03-15T23:05:36.029Z: npm WARN deprecated read-pkg-up@11.0.0: Renamed to read-package-up
2024-03-15T23:05:36.190Z: npm WARN deprecated read-pkg-up@11.0.0: Renamed to read-package-up
2024-03-15T23:05:36.190Z: npm WARN deprecated read-pkg-up@11.0.0: Renamed to read-package-up
2024-03-15T23:05:50.602Z: > helia-service-worker-gateway@1.0.0 postinstall
2024-03-15T23:05:50.602Z: > patch-package
2024-03-15T23:05:50.717Z: patch-package 6.5.1
2024-03-15T23:05:50.718Z: Applying patches...
2024-03-15T23:05:50.718Z: No patch files found
2024-03-15T23:05:50.748Z: added 1992 packages, and audited 2210 packages in 31s
2024-03-15T23:05:50.748Z: 370 packages are looking for funding
2024-03-15T23:05:50.748Z: run `npm fund` for details
2024-03-15T23:05:50.754Z: 6 vulnerabilities (4 moderate, 1 high, 1 critical)
2024-03-15T23:05:50.754Z: To address all issues, run:
2024-03-15T23:05:50.754Z: npm audit fix
2024-03-15T23:05:50.754Z: Run `npm audit` for details.
2024-03-15T23:05:51.020Z: > helia-service-worker-gateway@1.0.0 build
2024-03-15T23:05:51.020Z: > run-s build:esm build:webpack
2024-03-15T23:05:51.372Z: > helia-service-worker-gateway@1.0.0 prebuild:esm
2024-03-15T23:05:51.372Z: > copyfiles src/*.svg src/**/*.svg src/*.css src/**/*.css dist-tsc
2024-03-15T23:05:51.464Z: > helia-service-worker-gateway@1.0.0 build:esm
2024-03-15T23:05:51.464Z: > tsc
2024-03-15T23:05:54.417Z: > helia-service-worker-gateway@1.0.0 build:webpack
2024-03-15T23:05:54.417Z: > webpack --env production
2024-03-15T23:05:54.969Z: /bin/sh: 1: git: not found
2024-03-15T23:06:07.011Z: assets by path *.js 5.42 MiB
2024-03-15T23:06:07.011Z: assets by status 5.29 MiB [big]
2024-03-15T23:06:07.011Z: asset ipfs-sw-vendor-rest.js 4.73 MiB [emitted] [minimized] [big] (name: vendor-rest) (id hint: defaultVendors) 1 related asset
2024-03-15T23:06:07.011Z: asset ipfs-sw-vendor-react.js 576 KiB [emitted] [minimized] [big] (name: vendor-react) (id hint: reactVendor) 1 related asset
2024-03-15T23:06:07.011Z: asset ipfs-sw-main.js 83 KiB [emitted] [minimized] (name: main) 1 related asset
2024-03-15T23:06:07.011Z: asset ipfs-sw-sw.js 51.9 KiB [emitted] [minimized] (name: sw) 1 related asset
2024-03-15T23:06:07.011Z: asset ipfs-sw-styles.js 235 bytes [emitted] [minimized] (name: styles) (id hint: styles) 1 related asset
2024-03-15T23:06:07.011Z: asset favicon.ico 33.7 KiB [emitted]
2024-03-15T23:06:07.011Z: asset ipfs-sw-styles.css 7.55 KiB [emitted] (name: styles) (id hint: styles)
2024-03-15T23:06:07.011Z: asset index.html 1.6 KiB [emitted]
2024-03-15T23:06:07.011Z: asset _redirects 26 bytes [emitted] [from: public/_redirects] [copied]
2024-03-15T23:06:07.011Z: Entrypoint main [big] 5.38 MiB = ipfs-sw-styles.css 7.55 KiB ipfs-sw-styles.js 235 bytes ipfs-sw-vendor-react.js 576 KiB ipfs-sw-vendor-rest.js 4.73 MiB ipfs-sw-main.js 83 KiB
2024-03-15T23:06:07.011Z: orphan modules 1.71 MiB (javascript) 1.83 KiB (runtime) [orphan] 598 modules
2024-03-15T23:06:07.011Z: runtime modules 8.85 KiB 21 modules
2024-03-15T23:06:07.011Z: cacheable modules 2.39 MiB (javascript) 2.45 KiB (css/mini-extract)
2024-03-15T23:06:07.011Z: modules by path ./node_modules/ 2.28 MiB 233 modules
2024-03-15T23:06:07.011Z: modules by path ./dist-tsc/src/ 110 KiB (javascript) 2.45 KiB (css/mini-extract)
2024-03-15T23:06:07.011Z: javascript modules 110 KiB
2024-03-15T23:06:07.011Z: modules by path ./dist-tsc/src/lib/*.js 18.2 KiB 7 modules
2024-03-15T23:06:07.011Z: modules by path ./dist-tsc/src/*.jsx 40.8 KiB 2 modules
2024-03-15T23:06:07.011Z: modules by path ./dist-tsc/src/context/*.jsx 7.73 KiB 2 modules
2024-03-15T23:06:07.011Z: + 3 modules
2024-03-15T23:06:07.011Z: css modules 2.45 KiB
2024-03-15T23:06:07.011Z: css ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js!./dist-tsc/src/app.css 755 bytes [built] [code generated]
2024-03-15T23:06:07.011Z: css ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js!./dist-tsc/src/components/local-storage-toggle.css 1.71 KiB [built] [code generated]
2024-03-15T23:06:07.011Z: ./utils/glob-source.js (ignored) 15 bytes [built] [code generated]
2024-03-15T23:06:07.011Z: Entrypoint HtmlWebpackPlugin_0-0 =
2024-03-15T23:06:07.011Z: runtime modules 440 bytes 3 modules
2024-03-15T23:06:07.011Z: cacheable modules 1.78 KiB
2024-03-15T23:06:07.011Z: data:text/javascript,__webpack_public.. 77 bytes [built] [code generated]
2024-03-15T23:06:07.011Z: ./node_modules/html-webpack-plugin/lib/loader.js!./public/index.html 1.7 KiB [built] [code generated]
2024-03-15T23:06:07.011Z: Child HtmlWebpackCompiler compiled successfully
2024-03-15T23:06:07.011Z: webpack 5.77.0 compiled successfully in 11754 ms
2024-03-15T23:06:23.708Z: Deployed to IPFS and got the hash:
2024-03-15T23:06:23.708Z: QmaVgox1NgDQPu281xL5piFP4ANfkoiht41QEezDDFSZLn
2024-03-15T23:06:23.708Z: Checking content availability on IPFS...
2024-03-15T23:06:27.157Z: You can preview this build on :
2024-03-15T23:06:27.157Z: https://bafybeifuttmiai3khmi7r3fs3ixmbtodvdebscyo33cueofi7h2cdq4vym.on.fleek.co