a bot for the ipfs irc channel that pins things (among other menial tasks)
IRC bot that pins IPFS files.
go get -u github.com/ipfs/pinbot-irc
In a terminal, run:
pinbot [-s <server>]
<jbenet> !friends
<pinbot> my friends are: whyrusleeping lgierth jbenet
<jbenet> !pin QmbTdsZpRdVC7au7jLtkMwD6PRJPvfPvdRzG817PnxR2pR
<pinbot> now pinning QmbTdsZpRdVC7au7jLtkMwD6PRJPvfPvdRzG817PnxR2pR
<pinbot> pin QmbTdsZpRdVC7au7jLtkMwD6PRJPvfPvdRzG817PnxR2pR successful! -- http://gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/QmbTdsZpRdVC7au7jLtkMwD6PRJPvfPvdRzG817PnxR2pR
<jbenet> !botsnack
<pinbot> om nom nom
Make sure to change the friends array. (or bug us to make this better configurable in an issue)
Feel free to join in. All welcome. Open an issue!
This repository falls under the IPFS Code of Conduct.