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@lidel lidel released this 14 Nov 01:36
· 156 commits to master since this release


If you depend on Routing.AcceleratedDHTClient=true this release contains a regression where accelerated client does not crawl the network correctly and the regular one is used instead as a fallback, making announcements slower than expected.

The fix for Routing.AcceleratedDHTClient=true is in v0.32.1.

If you don't use Routing.AcceleratedDHTClient=true, this release is perfectly fine to use as-is.

This release was brought to you by the Shipyard team.


Release v0.32.0 issue #10547

🗣 Discuss

If you have comments, questions, or feedback on this release, please post here.

If you experienced any bugs with the release, please post an issue.

🔦 Highlights

🎯 AutoTLS: Automatic Certificates for libp2p WebSockets via

This release introduces an experimental feature that significantly improves how browsers (Helia, Service Worker) can connect to Kubo node.

Opt-in configuration allows a publicly dialable Kubo nodes (public IP, port forwarding, or NAT with uPnP) to obtain CA-signed TLS certificates for libp2p Secure WebSocket (WSS) connections automatically.


To enable this feature, set AutoTLS.Enabled to true and add a listener for /tls/sni/* on a separate TCP port:

+ "AutoTLS": { "Enabled": true },
  "Addresses": {
    "Swarm": {
+     "/ip4/*",
+     "/ip6/::/tcp/4002/tls/sni/*",

After restarting your node for the first time you may need to wait 5-15 minutes to pass all checks and for the changes to take effect.
We are working on sharing the same TCP port with other transports (go-libp2p#2984).

See AutoTLS configuration for more details how to enable it and what to expect.

This is an early preview, we appreciate you testing and filling bug reports or feedback in the tracking issue at kubo#10560.

📦️ Dependency updates

  • update ipfs-webui to v4.4.0
  • update boxo to v0.24.1 + v0.24.2 + v0.24.3
    • This includes a number of fixes and bitswap improvements, and support for filtering from IPIP-484 in delegated HTTP routing and IPNI queries.
  • update go-libp2p to v0.37.0
    • This update required removal of Swarm.RelayService.MaxReservationsPerPeer configuration option from Kubo. If you had it set, remove it from your configuration file.
  • update go-libp2p-kad-dht to v0.27.0 + v0.28.0
  • update go-libp2p-pubsub to v0.12.0
  • update p2p-forge/client to v0.0.2
  • removed go-homedir
    • The repo is archived, no longer needed, and no longer maintained.
    • homedir.Dir is replaced by the stdlib os.UserHomeDir
    • homedir.Expand is replaced by fsutil.ExpandHome in the package.
    • The new package contains file utility code previously located elsewhere in kubo.

📝 Changelog

Full Changelog

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Contributors

Contributor Commits Lines ± Files Changed
Marco Munizaga 16 +4253/-545 81
Pop Chunhapanya 1 +1423/-137 15
sukun 10 +752/-425 35
Steven Allen 11 +518/-541 35
Andrew Gillis 19 +348/-194 50
Marcin Rataj 26 +343/-132 47
Adin Schmahmann 4 +269/-29 12
gammazero 12 +154/-18 13
Josh Klopfenstein 1 +90/-35 27
galargh 3 +42/-44 13
Daniel Norman 2 +30/-16 4
Mikel Cortes 3 +25/-4 4
gopherfarm 1 +14/-14 6
Carlos Peliciari 1 +12/-12 4
Prithvi Shahi 2 +5/-11 3
web3-bot 6 +12/-3 6
guillaumemichel 3 +7/-6 3
Jorropo 1 +11/-0 1
Sorin Stanculeanu 1 +8/-0 1
Hlib Kanunnikov 2 +6/-2 4
André Bierlein 1 +4/-3 1
bytetigers 1 +1/-1 1
Wondertan 2 +2/-0 2
Alexandr Burdiyan 1 +1/-1 1
Guillaume Michel 1 +0/-1 1