arm (Advanced RISC Machines) man(ual) pages
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Man pages for the arm architecture generated
programmaticaly from the arm XML Specification.
Contains an index for each instruction set
and a man page for each instruction in the
A32/T32 and A64 Instruction Sets
of the Armv8-A v86A xml specification.
If, you just want the arm-man pages you
do not need to configure or run the generator.
Just copy the contents of the ./arm-man-pages directory
into your local man-pages/man-section directory,
eg /usr/local/share/man/man7/
$ man ./arm-man-pages/arm32.7
$ man arm32
$ man arm32 |grep add |grep sp
arm32-add-sp-i Add to SP (immediate).
arm32-add-sp-r Add to SP (register).
$ man arm32-add-sp-i
$ man ./arm-man-pages/arm64.7
$ man arm64
$ man arm64 |grep movz
arm64-mov-movz Move (wide immediate): an alias of MOVZ.
arm64-movz Move wide with zero.
$ man arm64-movz
$ man ./arm-man-pages/arm.7
$ man arm
$ tar xvzf arm86A_xml.tar.gz
$ cd generator
$ pyenv global 3.6.15
$ ./
)) arm-man v0.4,
+) AArch32 -- Base Instructions (alphabetic order) : 301
+) AArch32 -- SIMD&FP Instructions (alphabetic order) : 266
+) ARM AArch32 instruction index and man pages generated.
+) A64 -- Base Instructions (alphabetic order) : 348
+) A64 -- SIMD and Floating-point Instructions (alphabetic order) : 404
+) A64 -- SVE Instructions (alphabetic order) : 508
+) ARM A64 instruction index and man pages generated.
)) ARM man pages in ../arm-man-pages/