In this simple JWT authorization system, you can create an in-memory user and get a valid JWT for one hour.
If you have the valid access token, then you can get the user information. Otherwise you will get an error.
There are only three endpoints:
Send a GET request.
Returns a text/plain:
This is simply to check if the server is running or not.
Send a POST request with a json body:
"name": "Parsa Akbari",
"email": "",
"password": "12345"
Returns an application/json and saves the JWT as a cookie:
If succeed:
"id": "<user-id>",
"name": "<user-name>",
"email": "<user-email>"
If the user already exists:
json containing the error.
Send a GET request.
Returns an application/json:
If jwt is valid:
"id": "<user-id>",
"name": "<user-name,
"email": "<user-email>"
json containing the error.