Cloud SDK Test Runner
- Generate a Github Personal Access Token. Check the Github Documentation on how to do that.
- Add the following lines to your ~/.npmrc file:
- Install the package
npm install -g @ionos-cloud/test-runner
You can also check the Github documentation on how to access github npm packages.
$ npm install -g @ionos-cloud/test-runner
$ csdk-test-runner COMMAND
running command...
$ csdk-test-runner (-v|--version|version)
@ionos-cloud/test-runner/1.13.4 linux-x64 node-v22.3.0
$ csdk-test-runner --help [COMMAND]
$ csdk-test-runner COMMAND
display help for csdk-test-runner
$ csdk-test-runner help [COMMAND]
COMMAND command to show help for
--all see all commands in CLI
See code: @oclif/plugin-help
Runs a test suite from a JSON test specification.
$ csdk-test-runner run [FILE]
-b, --batch consider the input a batch, meaning it lists a batch of independent tests
-d, --driver=driver language driver to use; path and args are taken from config
-f, --fail-fast exit with failure as soon as a test fails
-h, --help show CLI help
-t, --test=test run only the specified tests; use -t multiple times to specify more than 1 test
-x, --exclude=exclude exclude tests
--debug show debugging information: verbose + displays each driver command's input and output
--driver-arg=driver-arg command line arguments to pass to driver; must be specified together with "driver-path"
--driver-cwd=driver-cwd working directory to run the driver command in
--driver-path=driver-path driver path to use; cannot be specified together with "driver"
--verbose show each assertion evaluation
$ csdk-test-runner run
See code: src/commands/run.ts