Jenkins Jenkins Code based on DSL plugin and Configuration as Code.
- This repo is dedicated for devops/developers who are developing jenkins pipelines and want to keep everything as code including Pipelines and Configuration of Jenkins.
- This repo is an example of jenkins as code best practices.
- 1) Install required plugins, enumarated here: [Jenkins plugins required]
- 2) Copy folder init.groovy.d inside your jenkins home. Restart Jenkins.
- 3) Create a job of type Pipeline named Seed from Jenkins UI with Pipeline script from scm definition specifying this repo.
- 4) Run Seed job.
- Job DSL
- Configuration as Code
- AnsiColor
- EnvInject API Plugin
- Environment Injector Plugin
- user build vars plugin
- Pipeline Utility Steps
- Role-based Authorization Strategy
- Simple Theme Plugin
- Add SCM_CLONE_METHOD as Environment variable in Global Properties, can be either `ssh` or `https`
- Add SCM_SERVER as Environment variable in Global Properties, the format should be ``
- config/jenkins.yaml - Configuration of jenkins used by Jenkins Configuration as Code Plugin.
- jobs - Folder that contains all job interfaces processed by the dsl plugin.
- jenkinsfiles - Folder that contains all the jenkinsfiles to which job interfaces are delegating work.
- src - groovy classes used as helpers for the pipelines.
- vars - util functions.