Description on how to integrate own apllication or service with system
Thanks to API you can issue invoices/bills/receipts from other systems and manage these documents, as well as clients and products
- API Token
- Additional parameters for downloading lists of records
- Invoices - examples of calling
- Downloading a list of invoices from current month
- Specific client's invoices
- Downloading invoices by ID
- Downloading as PDF
- Sending invoices by email to a client
- Adding a new invoice
- Adding a new invoice (by client, product, seller ID)
- Adding a new correction invoice
- Invoice update
- Invoice position update
- Deleting an invoice position
- Changing invoice status
- Downloading a definition list of recurring invoices
- Adding a new definition of recurring invoice
- Actualizing a definition of recurring invoice
- Deleting an invoice
- Link to invoice preview and PDF download
- Examples of use - purchase of training
- Invoices - specification
- Clients
- Products
- Price lists
- Payments
- Departments
- Examples in PHP and Ruby
token has to be downloaded from application settings ("Settings -> Account settings -> Integration -> API Authorization Code")
Additional parameters can be forwarded to calls (same as in application), e.g. page=
, period=
parameter allows to iteration over paginated records.
By default it is '1' what gives first N records, when N is the limit of the records in response.
In order to download next N records, parameter page=2
should be forwarded to call and so forth.
parameter allows to select records from given period.
Possible values:
- last_12_months
- this_month
- last_30_days
- last_month
- this_year
- last_year
- all
- more (in that case, additional parameters date_from (e.g "2018-12-16") and date_to ("2018-12-21") should be passed)
NOTE: additional parameters can be forwarded to calls, e.g. page=
, period=
curl -X POST
Other PDF options:
- print_option=original - Original
- print_option=copy - Copy
- print_option=original_and_copy - Original and copy
- print_option=duplicate Duplicate
curl \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"api_token": "API_TOKEN",
"invoice": {
"number": null,
"sell_date": "2013-01-16",
"issue_date": "2013-01-16",
"payment_to": "2013-01-23",
"seller_name": "Wystawca Sp. z o.o.",
"seller_tax_no": "5252445767",
"buyer_name": "Klient1 Sp. z o.o.",
"buyer_tax_no": "5252445767",
{"name":"Produkt A1", "tax":23, "total_price_gross":10.23, "quantity":1},
{"name":"Produkt A2", "tax":0, "total_price_gross":50, "quantity":3}
curl \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"api_token": "API_TOKEN",
"invoice": {
"payment_to_kind": 5,
"department_id": 1,
"client_id": 1,
{"product_id": 1, "quantity":2}
curl \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"api_token": "API_TOKEN",
"invoice": {
"kind": "correction",
"from_invoice_id": "2432393,
"client_id": 1,
{"name": "Product A1",
"correction_before_attributes": {
"name":"Product A1",
"correction_after_attributes": {
"name":"Product A1",
curl \
-X PUT \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"api_token": "API_TOKEN",
"invoice": {
"buyer_name": "New client name Ltd."
curl \
-X PUT \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"api_token": "API_TOKEN",
"invoice": {
"positions": [{"id":32649087, "name":"test"}]
curl \
-X PUT \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"api_token": "API_TOKEN",
"invoice": {
"positions": [{"id":32649087, "_destroy":1}]
curl "" -X POST
curl \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"api_token": "API_TOKEN",
"recurring": {
"name": "Nazwa cyklicznosci",
"invoice_id": 1,
"start_date": "2016-01-01",
"every": "1m",
"issue_working_day_only": false,
"send_email": true,
"buyer_email": ",",
"end_date": "null"
curl \
-X PUT \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"api_token": "API_TOKEN",
"recurring": {
"next_invoice_date": "2016-02-01"
curl -X DELETE ""
After downloading invoice data, e.g. by:
API gives us token
field, on which basis we may receive invoice preview links
Such links allow you to refer to the selected invoice without having to log in - you can, for instance, send these links to the customer, who will have access to invoices and PDF.
Links are in the form:
E.g. for token equal: HBO3Npx2OzSW79RQL7XV2
public PDF will be at
Flow Portal Example which generates a proforma invoice for the client, sends it to the client and after receiving payment, sends the training ticket to the client
- Client fills in details in the Portal
- The Portal calls API from and generates an invoice
- The Portal sends a Proforma PDF invoice to the Client along with a payment link
- Client makes a payment for the Proforma invoice (e.g. using PayPal)
- receives information that the payment has been made, generates VAT invoice and sends it to the client and calls Portal API
- After receiving information regarding payment (by API) Portal sends the training ticket to the Client
GET /invoices/1.json
downloading invoicePOST /invoices.json
adding a new invoicePUT /invoices/1.json
updating invoiceDELETE /invoices/1.json
deleting invoice
Example - adding a new invoice - the minimal version (only fields required), when we have product, buyer and seller ID we do not need to provide full details. Field department_id determines the company (or department) which issues the invoice (it can be obtained by clicking on the company in Settings> Data Company)
curl \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"api_token": "API_TOKEN",
"invoice": {
"payment_to_kind": 5,
"department_id": 1,
"client_id": 1,
{"product_id": 1, "quantity":2}
Invoice fields
"number" : "13/2012" - invoice number (if not entered, it will be automatically generated)
"kind" : "vat" - invoice kind (vat, proforma, bill, receipt, advance, correction, vat_mp, invoice_other, vat_margin, kp, kw, final, estimate)
"income" : "1" - income invoice (1) or cost invoice (0)
"issue_date" : "2013-01-16" - date of issue
"place" : "Warszawa" - place of issue
"sell_date" : "2013-01-16" - date of sale (it can be date or month in the YYYY-MM format)
"category_id" : "" - category id
"department_id" : "1" - department id (in Settings > Company / department, click on company / department and department ID will be shown in the URL)
"seller_name" : "Radgost Sp. z o.o." - seller
"seller_tax_no" : "525-244-57-67" - seller tax id
"seller_bank_account" : "24 1140 1977 0000 5921 7200 1001" - seller bank account
"seller_bank" : "BRE Bank",
"seller_post_code" : "02-548",
"seller_city" : "Warsaw",
"seller_street" : "21 Olesińska St.",
"seller_country" : "",
"seller_email" : "",
"seller_www" : "",
"seller_fax" : "",
"seller_phone" : "",
"client_id" : "-1" - buyer id (if -1 then client will be created in the system)
"buyer_name" : "Client name" - buyer
"buyer_tax_no" : "525-244-57-67",
"disable_tax_no_validation" : "",
"buyer_post_code" : "30-314",
"buyer_city" : "Warsaw",
"buyer_street" : "Nowa 44",
"buyer_country" : "",
"buyer_note" : "",
"buyer_email" : "",
"additional_info" : "0" - whether to display additional field in invoice position
"additional_info_desc" : "PKWiU" - name of the additional column in invoice positions
"show_discount" : "0" - whether show discount or not
"payment_type" : "transfer",
"payment_to_kind" : due date. if it is "other_date", then you may define a specific date in "payment_to" field, if it is, for example, numer 5 then you have a 5 day payment period
"payment_to" : "2013-01-16",
"status" : "issued",
"paid" : "0,00",
"oid" : "zamowienie10021", - order number (e.g. from external ordering system)
"warehouse_id" : "1090",
"seller_person" : "Forename Surname",
"buyer_first_name" : "Forename",
"buyer_last_name" : "Surname",
"description" : "",
"paid_date" : "",
"currency" : "GBP",
"lang" : "en",
"use_moss" : "0", - whether or not to use MOSS
"exchange_currency" : "", - converted currency (conversion of the sum and tax into another currency), e.g. "USD"
"exchange_kind" : "", - source of the exchange rate for currency conversion ("ecb", "nbp", "cbr", "nbu", "nbg", "own")
"exchange_currency_rate" : "", - custom exchange rate for currency conversion (used only if exchange_kind parameter is set to "own")
"internal_note" : "",
"invoice_template_id" : "1",
"description_footer" : "",
"description_long" : "",
"invoice_id" : "" - id of connected document, for example id of base document for recurring invoice,
"from_invoice_id" : "" - invoice id, on which basis the invoice was generated (useful when generating a VAT invoice from Proforma invoice),
"delivery_date" : "" - receipt date of the document (only in expenses),
"buyer_company" : "1" - is buyer a company or private person,
"additional_invoice_field" : "" - value of the additional invoice field, Settings > Account settings > Configuration > Invoices and documents > Additional invoice field,
"product_id" : "1",
"name" : "InvoiceOcean Basic",
"additional_info" : "", - additional information on invoice position
"discount_percent" : "", - percentage discount (note: in order for the discount to be calculated, you need to set field 'show_discount' to 1 and before issuing check if in Account Settings, field: "How to calculate discount" is set to 'percentage from unit gross price')
"discount" : "", - amount discount (note: in order for the discount to be calculated, you need to set field 'show_discount' to 1 and before issuing check if in Account Settings, field: "How to calculate discount" is set to "amount")
"quantity" : "1",
"quantity_unit" : "unit",
"price_net" : "59,00", - if not entered it will be calculated
"tax" : "23",
"price_gross" : "72,57", - if not entered it will be calculated
"total_price_net" : "59,00", - if not entered it will be calculated
"total_price_gross" : "72,57"
"calculating_strategy" =>
  "position": "default" or "keep_gross" - calculation method for invoice positions
  "sum": "sum" or "keep_gross" or "keep_net" - invoice positions summation method
  "invoice_form_price_kind": "net" or "gross" - unit price visible on the invoice
Field entries
Field: kind
"vat" - VAT invoice
"proforma" - Proforma invoice
"bill" - bill
"receipt" - receipt
"advance" - advance invoice
"final" - final invoice
"correction" - Credit Note
"vat_mp" - MP invoice
"invoice_other" - other invoice
"vat_margin" - margin invoice
"kp" - cash received
"kw" - cash disbursed
"estimate" - Estimate
Field: lang
"pl" - Polish
"en" - English
"de" - German
"fr" - French
"cz" - Czech
"ru" - Russian
"es" - Spanish
"it" - Italian
"nl" - Dutch
"hr" - Croatian
Field: income
"1" - income invoice
"0" - cost invoice
Field: payment_type
"transfer" - transfer
"card" - card
"cash" - cash
Field: status
"issued" - issued
"sent" - sent
"paid" - paid
"partial" - partially paid
Field: discount_kind
- discount kind
"percent_unit" - calculated from the unit price
"percent_total" - calculated from the total price
"amount" - amount
curl ""
curl ""
curl ""
curl ""
curl ""
curl ""
curl \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"api_token": "API_TOKEN",
"client": {
"name": "Klient1",
"tax_no": "5252445767",
"bank" : "bank1",
"bank_account" : "bank_account1",
"city" : "city1",
"country" : "",
"email" : "bank1",
"person" : "person1",
"post_code" : "post-code1",
"phone" : "phone1",
"street" : "street1",
"street_no" : "street-no1"
curl \
-X PUT \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"api_token": "API_TOKEN",
"client": {
"name": "Klient2",
"tax_no": "52524457672",
"bank" : "bank2",
"bank_account" : "bank_account2",
"city" : "city2",
"country" : "PL",
"email" : "bank2",
"person" : "person2",
"post_code" : "post-code2",
"phone" : "phone2",
"street" : "street2",
"street_no" : "street-no2"
curl ""
curl ""
curl ""
curl ""
curl \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"api_token": "API_TOKEN",
"product": {
"name": "PoroductAA",
"code": "A001",
"price_net": "100",
"tax": "23"
curl \
-X PUT \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"api_token": "API_TOKEN",
"product": {
"name": "PoroductAA2",
"code": "A0012",
"price_gross": "102",
"tax": "23"
Warning: Net price is calculated from the gross price and tax values, and cannot be changed directly through the API.
List of price listscurl ""
you can pass the same parameters that are provided in the application (on the invoice list page)
Adding price listcurl
-H 'Accept: application/json'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-d '{
"api_token": "API_TOKEN",
"price_list": {
"name": "Price list name",
"description": "Description",
"currency": "EUR",
"price_list_positions_attributes": {
"0": {
"priceable_id": "Product ID",
"priceable_name": "Product name",
"priceable_type": "Product",
"use_percentage": "0",
"percentage": "",
"price_net": "111.0",
"price_gross": "136.53",
"use_tax": "1",
"tax": "23"
-H 'Accept: application/json'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-d '{
"api_token": "API_TOKEN",
"price_list": {
"name": "Price list name",
"description": "Description",
"currency": "EUR",
curl -X DELETE ""
- city - City from the sender's address
- client_id - ID of the client who makes the payment
- comment - Comment for the client
- country - Country from the sender's address
- currency - Currency of the payment
- department_id - ID of the department that the client belongs to
- description - Payment description
- email - Email of the sender
- first_name - First name of the sender
- generate_invoice - If generate an invoice that would match the payment
- invoice_city - City of the generated invoice's address
- invoice_comment - Comment for the generated invoice
- invoice_country - Country of the generated invoice's address
- invoice_id - ID of the invoice being paid for
- invoice_name - Name of the client on the generated invoice
- invoice_post_code - Post code of the generated invoice's address
- nvoice_street - Street of the generated invoice's address
- invoice_tax_no - Tax no. on the generated invoice
- last_name - Last name of the sender
- name - Name of the sender
- oid - ID of the order that is paid for
- paid - If the payment is already paid
- paid_date - Date when the payment was made
- phone - Phone of the sender
- post_code - Post code from the sender's address
- price - Price of the product that was paid for
- product_id - ID of the product that was paid for
- promocode - Promocode that was used with the payment
- provider - Name of the payment provider (for online payments)
- provider_response - Response of the payment provider
- provider_status - Status of the payment according to the provider
- provider_title - Title of the payment provider
- quantity - Quantity of the item that was paid for
- street - Street from the sender's address
- kind - payment kind (where it comes from). In case of API it should be set to "api".
curl ""
curl ""
curl ""
curl ""
curl #{domain}/banking/payments.json
-H 'Accept: application/json'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-d '{
"api_token": "#{api_token}",
"banking_payment": {
"name":"Payment 001",
"price": 100.05,
"invoice_id": null,
"kind": "api"
curl #{domain}/banking/payments.json
-H 'Accept: application/json'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-d '{
"api_token": "#{api_token}",
"banking_payment": {
"city": null,
"description":"abonament roczny",
"invoice_name":"Company name",
"invoice_street":"street 52",
"name":"Plantnosc za produkt1",
"kind": "api"
curl ""
Get selected department by ID
curl ""
Create new department
-H 'Accept: application/json'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-d '{
"api_token": "API_TOKEN",
"department": {
"shortcut": "short_name",
"tax_no": "-"
Delete selected department by ID
curl -X DELETE ""
Ruby Gem for integration: