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Merge pull request #1744 from interactions-py/unstable #55

Merge pull request #1744 from interactions-py/unstable

Merge pull request #1744 from interactions-py/unstable #55

GitHub Actions / Pytest Results failed Jan 31, 2025 in 0s

27 tests run, 25 passed, 0 skipped, 2 failed.


Check failure on line 508 in tests/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Pytest Results


AssertionError: assert [{'poll_media...ext': 'Two'}}] == [{'poll_media...ext': 'Two'}}]
  At index 0 diff: {'poll_media': {'text': 'One', 'emoji': {'name': '1️⃣', 'animated': False, 'available': True}}} != {'poll_media': {'text': 'One', 'emoji': {'name': '1️⃣', 'animated': False}}}
  Full diff:
            'poll_media': {
                'emoji': {
                    'animated': False,
  +                 'available': True,
                    'name': '1️⃣',
                'text': 'One',
            'poll_media': {
                'emoji': {
                    'animated': False,
  +                 'available': True,
                    'name': '2️⃣',
                'text': 'Two',
Raw output
bot = <interactions.client.client.Client object at 0x7f8a17d36020>
channel = GuildText(id=1334784573753524266, name='test_scene-27b5a85', type=<ChannelType.GUILD_TEXT: 0>)

    async def test_polls(bot: Client, channel: GuildText) -> None:
        msg = await channel.send("Polls Tests")
        thread = await msg.create_thread("Test Thread")
            poll_1 = Poll.create("Test Poll", duration=1, answers=["Answer 1", "Answer 2"])
            test_data_1 = {
                "question": {"text": "Test Poll"},
                "layout_type": 1,
                "duration": 1,
                "allow_multiselect": False,
                "answers": [{"poll_media": {"text": "Answer 1"}}, {"poll_media": {"text": "Answer 2"}}],
            poll_1_dict = poll_1.to_dict()
            for key in poll_1_dict.keys():
                assert poll_1_dict[key] == test_data_1[key]
            msg_1 = await thread.send(poll=poll_1)
            assert msg_1.poll is not None
            assert msg_1.poll.question.to_dict() == PollMedia(text="Test Poll").to_dict()
            assert msg_1.poll.expiry <= msg_1.created_at + timedelta(hours=1, minutes=1)
            poll_1_answer_medias = [poll_answer.poll_media.to_dict() for poll_answer in msg_1.poll.answers]
            assert poll_1_answer_medias == [
                PollMedia.create(text="Answer 1").to_dict(),
                PollMedia.create(text="Answer 2").to_dict(),
            poll_2 = Poll.create("Test Poll 2", duration=1, allow_multiselect=True)
            poll_2.add_answer("Answer 1")
            poll_2.add_answer("Answer 2")
            test_data_2 = {
                "question": {"text": "Test Poll 2"},
                "layout_type": 1,
                "duration": 1,
                "allow_multiselect": True,
                "answers": [{"poll_media": {"text": "Answer 1"}}, {"poll_media": {"text": "Answer 2"}}],
            poll_2_dict = poll_2.to_dict()
            for key in poll_2_dict.keys():
                assert poll_2_dict[key] == test_data_2[key]
            msg_2 = await thread.send(poll=poll_2)
            assert msg_2.poll is not None
            assert msg_2.poll.question.to_dict() == PollMedia(text="Test Poll 2").to_dict()
            assert msg_2.poll.expiry <= msg_2.created_at + timedelta(hours=1, minutes=1)
            assert msg_2.poll.allow_multiselect
            poll_2_answer_medias = [poll_answer.poll_media.to_dict() for poll_answer in msg_2.poll.answers]
            assert poll_2_answer_medias == [
                PollMedia.create(text="Answer 1").to_dict(),
                PollMedia.create(text="Answer 2").to_dict(),
            poll_3 = Poll.create(
                "Test Poll 3",
                answers=[PollMedia.create(text="One", emoji="1️⃣"), PollMedia.create(text="Two", emoji="2️⃣")],
            test_data_3 = {
                "question": {"text": "Test Poll 3"},
                "layout_type": 1,
                "duration": 1,
                "allow_multiselect": False,
                "answers": [
                    {"poll_media": {"text": "One", "emoji": {"name": "1️⃣", "animated": False}}},
                    {"poll_media": {"text": "Two", "emoji": {"name": "2️⃣", "animated": False}}},
            poll_3_dict = poll_3.to_dict()
            for key in poll_3_dict.keys():
>               assert poll_3_dict[key] == test_data_3[key]
E               AssertionError: assert [{'poll_media...ext': 'Two'}}] == [{'poll_media...ext': 'Two'}}]
E                 At index 0 diff: {'poll_media': {'text': 'One', 'emoji': {'name': '1️⃣', 'animated': False, 'available': True}}} != {'poll_media': {'text': 'One', 'emoji': {'name': '1️⃣', 'animated': False}}}
E                 Full diff:
E                   [
E                       {
E                           'poll_media': {
E                               'emoji': {
E                                   'animated': False,
E                 +                 'available': True,
E                                   'name': '1️⃣',
E                               },
E                               'text': 'One',
E                           },
E                       },
E                       {
E                           'poll_media': {
E                               'emoji': {
E                                   'animated': False,
E                 +                 'available': True,
E                                   'name': '2️⃣',
E                               },
E                               'text': 'Two',
E                           },
E                       },
E                   ]

bot        = <interactions.client.client.Client object at 0x7f8a17d36020>
channel    = GuildText(id=1334784573753524266, name='test_scene-27b5a85', type=<ChannelType.GUILD_TEXT: 0>)
key        = 'answers'
msg        = Message(id=1334784683069673533)
msg_1      = Message(id=1334784685896896512)
msg_2      = Message(id=1334784686899204126)
poll_1     = Poll()
poll_1_answer_medias = [{'text': 'Answer 1'}, {'text': 'Answer 2'}]
poll_1_dict = {'allow_multiselect': False, 'answers': [{'poll_media': {'text': 'Answer 1'}}, {'poll_media': {'text': 'Answer 2'}}], 'duration': 1, 'layout_type': <PollLayoutType.DEFAULT: 1>, ...}
poll_2     = Poll()
poll_2_answer_medias = [{'text': 'Answer 1'}, {'text': 'Answer 2'}]
poll_2_dict = {'allow_multiselect': True, 'answers': [{'poll_media': {'text': 'Answer 1'}}, {'poll_media': {'text': 'Answer 2'}}], 'duration': 1, 'layout_type': <PollLayoutType.DEFAULT: 1>, ...}
poll_3     = Poll()
poll_3_dict = {'allow_multiselect': False, 'answers': [{'poll_media': {'emoji': {'animated': False, 'available': True, 'name': '1️⃣'...e, 'available': True, 'name': '2️⃣'}, 'text': 'Two'}}], 'duration': 1, 'layout_type': <PollLayoutType.DEFAULT: 1>, ...}
test_data_1 = {'allow_multiselect': False, 'answers': [{'poll_media': {'text': 'Answer 1'}}, {'poll_media': {'text': 'Answer 2'}}], 'duration': 1, 'layout_type': 1, ...}
test_data_2 = {'allow_multiselect': True, 'answers': [{'poll_media': {'text': 'Answer 1'}}, {'poll_media': {'text': 'Answer 2'}}], 'duration': 1, 'layout_type': 1, ...}
test_data_3 = {'allow_multiselect': False, 'answers': [{'poll_media': {'emoji': {'animated': False, 'name': '1️⃣'}, 'text': 'One'}}, {'poll_media': {'emoji': {'animated': False, 'name': '2️⃣'}, 'text': 'Two'}}], 'duration': 1, 'layout_type': 1, ...}
thread     = GuildPublicThread(id=1334784683069673533, name='Test Thread', type=<ChannelType.GUILD_PUBLIC_THREAD: 11>)

tests/ AssertionError

Check failure on line 578 in tests/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Pytest Results


AssertionError: assert 229 != 229
 +  where 229 = <Player(Thread-4, stopped daemon 140230994691776)>._sent_payloads
 +    where <Player(Thread-4, stopped daemon 140230994691776)> = <ActiveVoiceState: channel=GuildVoice(id=1334784699804942338, name='_test_voice_two-27b5a85', type=<ChannelType.GUILD_VOICE: 2>) guild=Guild(id=1041449294022070292, name='NAFF Test Suite', description=None) volume=0.5 playing=False audio=<AudioVolume: tests/test_audio.mp3>>.player
Raw output
bot = <interactions.client.client.Client object at 0x7f8a17d36020>
guild = Guild(id=1041449294022070292, name='NAFF Test Suite', description=None)

    async def test_voice(bot: Client, guild: Guild) -> None:
        test_channel = await guild.create_voice_channel(f"_test_voice-{bot.suffix}")
        test_channel_two = await guild.create_voice_channel(f"_test_voice_two-{bot.suffix}")
                import nacl  # noqa
            except ImportError:
                # testing on a non-voice extra
            vc = await test_channel.connect(deafened=True)
            assert vc == bot.get_bot_voice_state(
            audio = AudioVolume("tests/test_audio.mp3")
            await asyncio.sleep(5)
            assert len(vc.current_audio.buffer) != 0
            assert vc.player._sent_payloads != 0
            await vc.move(test_channel_two)
            await asyncio.sleep(2)
            _before = vc.player._sent_payloads
            await test_channel_two.connect(deafened=True)
            await asyncio.sleep(2)
>           assert vc.player._sent_payloads != _before
E           AssertionError: assert 229 != 229
E            +  where 229 = <Player(Thread-4, stopped daemon 140230994691776)>._sent_payloads
E            +    where <Player(Thread-4, stopped daemon 140230994691776)> = <ActiveVoiceState: channel=GuildVoice(id=1334784699804942338, name='_test_voice_two-27b5a85', type=<ChannelType.GUILD_VOICE: 2>) guild=Guild(id=1041449294022070292, name='NAFF Test Suite', description=None) volume=0.5 playing=False audio=<AudioVolume: tests/test_audio.mp3>>.player

_before    = 229
audio      = <AudioVolume: tests/test_audio.mp3>
bot        = <interactions.client.client.Client object at 0x7f8a17d36020>
guild      = Guild(id=1041449294022070292, name='NAFF Test Suite', description=None)
nacl       = <module 'nacl' from '/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.10.16/x64/lib/python3.10/site-packages/nacl/'>
test_channel = GuildVoice(id=1334784698815348738, name='_test_voice-27b5a85', type=<ChannelType.GUILD_VOICE: 2>)
test_channel_two = GuildVoice(id=1334784699804942338, name='_test_voice_two-27b5a85', type=<ChannelType.GUILD_VOICE: 2>)
vc         = <ActiveVoiceState: channel=None guild=Guild(id=1041449294022070292, name='NAFF Test Suite', description=None) volume=0.5 playing=False audio=<AudioVolume: tests/test_audio.mp3>>

tests/ AssertionError