bending_angle repository is provided support for RRTMGP package ( that provides solar zenith angle computed in spherical shell model for the plane-parallel codes the algorithm are discussed in Gallery W., F. X. Kneizys, S.A. Clough (1983): Air Mass Computer Program for Atmospheric Transmittance/Radiance Calculation: FSCATM AFGL-TR-83-0065, ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH PAPERS, NO. 828, AIR FORCE GEOPHYSICS LABORATORY (
The package consists of: mo_rte_spherical_correction.F90 - module that provides all functionality test_spherical_correction.f90 - example demonstrating the usage ref_data.dat - ASCII that provides data for the above test
mo_rte_spherical_correction.F90 provides two ways to compute spherical correction: with and without use of refraction, both are rely on the call of subroutine spherical_angles with a different set of parameters
spherical_angles(nlev, refAlt, ErthRad, alt, refMu, mu)
spherical_angles(nlev, refAlt, ErthRad, alt, refMu, mu, refRefrIndex, refrIndex)
integer, :: nlev - Number of levels real(wp), :: refAlt - reference altitude at which solar zenith angle is provided [km] real(wp), dimension(nlev) :: alt - level altitude grid [km] real(wp), :: ErthRad - The Earth curvature radius [km] real(wp), :: refMu - cosine of the solar zenith angle at reference altitude real(wp), :: refRefrIndex - air index of refraction at reference altitude real(wp), dimension(nlev) :: refrIndex - air index of refraction at altitude grid real(wp), dimension(nlev) :: mu - cosine of the solar zenith angle at altitude grid
The user is expected to provide the solar zenith angle (and the air refractive index if effect of refraction is included) at any fixed altitude, the subroutine would provide the solar zenith cosine at the user specified altitude grid.
The module also provides two auxiliary subroutine:
subroutine cmpalt(nlev, p, T, q, surfAlt, alt, top_at_1, lat) integer, :: nlev - Number of levels real(wp), :: surfAlt - surface altitude [km] logical(wl), :: top_at_1 - TOA atnosphere at index 1 real(wp), dimension(nlev) :: p - Pressure profile [mbar] real(wp), dimension(nlev) :: T - Temperature profile [K] real(wp), dimension(nlev) :: q - Water vapor profile [g/g]
real(wp), optional, :: lat - latitude real(wp), dimension(nlev) :: alt - level altitude [km]
computes altitude based on the user provided pressure, temperature and water vapor mixing ratio profiles. The altitude corresponding the highest pressure as well as geographical latitude are expected.
subroutine indexRefraction(nlev, TM, PM, q, wavenumber, RefIndex) integer, :: nlev - Number of levels real(wp), dimension(nlev) :: PM - Pressure profile [mbar] real(wp), dimension(nlev) :: TM - Temperature profile [K] real(wp), dimension(nlev) :: q - Water vapor profile [g/g] real(wp), :: wavenumber - wavenumber [cm^{-1}]
real(wp), dimension(nlev) :: RefIndex - air refraction index
computes the air refraction index for range >0.23 mkm and IR fails for MV and radio wave implemented based on LOWTRAN 6 approach
Kneizys, F. X. Chetwynd, J. H., Jr. Clough, S. A. Shettle, E. P. Abreu, L. W. (1983) Atmospheric Transmittance/Radiance: Computer Code LOWTRAN 6 Environmental research papers AIR FORCE GEOPHYSICS LAB HANSCOM AFB MA