A simple and minimal bootstrap starter theme for ghost.
This is meant to be a simple starter theme for anyone to customize using bootstrap. You can demo the theme here.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Install npm.
Install Ghost Local.
Navigate to the ghost local link provided in the terminal, and follow the setup instructions.
Or, simply download the zip file directly from github and upload directly to ghost. This is not really recommended for development, but should still work.
From the directory that you've installed ghost local, move into the themes folder:
cd conent/themes
Clone the repo:
git clone git@github.com:initialapps/ghost-bootstrap.git
Go back to the directory that you've installed ghost local, and restart ghost local:
cd - // if needed, or navigat to the main ghost directory however you please
ghost restart
Finally, navigate to the ghost local link provided in the terminal. When logged into ghost, click Settings > Design. Scroll to the bottom and activate the ghost-bootstrap theme.
This theme supports a home page, and separate blog page. In order to do this in ghost, you must upload a custom routes.yml file. You can download your current file, when logged into ghost local, by clicking Settings > Design in the left sidebar and scrolling to Routes at the bottom.
You should edit this file to look like this:
controller: channel
template: home
permalink: /{slug}/
template: index
tag: /tag/{slug}/
author: /author/{slug}/
Once complete, upload back to your ghost local blog by clicking the upload button just above where you downloaded.
You can add to the theme css by editing the css theme file at assets>css>screen.css
You can add to the theme js by editing the js theme file at assets>js>main.js
Vendor css and js files are built using gulp and output as assets/css/build.css and assets/js/build.js. Feel free to add your custom scripts to the gulpfile (gulpfile.js) and use gulp.
The easiest way to deploy the theme is to just download the zip file from Settings > Design area when running ghost locally. Then uploading the theme to your live site. Be sure to add your routes.yml file as well.
- Bootstrap - Front end library
- jQuery - Javascript dependency and library that we all use
- Animate.css - Because I use these animations a lot.
- wow.js - To reveal animate.css on scroll
- fitvids - Because the ghost casper theme used this and I think it's cool
- Andrew Akagawa - Initial work - InitialApps
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Thanks to all who contributed to everything in this package.json file!
- Thanks to ghost for the very nice blogging platform.