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Code Fitness 💪

Code Fitness aims to understand and improve Developer Experience (DX) and Project Health by bringing relevant metrics to your IDE; developed for MSci Research Proposal and Project under the supervision of Dr. Tim Storer.

🔧 Getting Started

Clone the repository using Git, or download a ZIP. Open the directory in Visual Studio Code. You should have Node.js installed with Corepack enabled and Yarn available as package manager (for workspaces).

> git clone   # clone using git
> code code-fitness                  # open in vscode
> npm i -g yarn                      # if yarn isn't installed
> corepack enable                    # if corepack isn't enabled
> yarn install                       # install dependencies
> yarn build                         # no stubs for webview

After build, using the launch.json configuration, go to Run and Debug and launch the extension. Additionally, provide environment variables using .env.example to help test and debug.

Ecosystem VSCode SvelteKit TypeScript Vite Vitest UnJS
Management yarn turborepo ESLint Prettier Airbnb code style commitlint
Services GitHub stgit WakaTime

🗺️ Project Layout

  • . Root of repository with directories of different concerns
  • package.json is the repository module handler using Yarn Workspaces and Git Hooks
  • docs contains the source code for the dissertation and relevant documents
  • docs/ further breaks down the structure for the documentation
  • packages contains all the individual utilities that this project creates to build on each other
  • packages/ provides explanation on for each package in the monorepo
  • .vscode includes relevant workspace configuration for Visual Studio Code
  • .env.example is an example of a .env file that can be used to read environment variables
  • turbo.json configures the behaviour for the Turbo commands & pipelines
  • .github contains metafiles and YAMLs, in /workflows, for GitHub Actions

Files (with/without extension) starting with . and/or ending with {config,rc} are likely for configuration.

📟 License & Contact

Available under the MIT License. Acknowledgements to all packages and libraries used in this project, including the ones listed above; all are licensed and used with compliance to requirements (list should be available here). If you have questions about this project or want to share feedback, you can open an issue or contact:

Inesh Bose /
(or any platform you can find me on)

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