Table of content
Grab latest files to use for with your stardict compatible program.
- See tips in for installing on your computer/ phone / tablet.
- Just download and extract one of the below archives:
- Usually very outdated all_dicts_stardict_sanskrit.tar.gz
- Dictionaries are stored in multiple repositories under indic-dict, for example: stardict-sanskrit-vyAkaraNa, stardict-kannada etc..
- Some external pre-built dictionaries also on (as in the case of stardict-english).
- Dictionaries are built with either github actions or travis-ci and deployed to gh-pages branch of the repository. For example:
- Within the output branch, for each dictionary collection, the following folders are produced:
- tars with compressed (xyz.tar.gz) dictionary files for use with stardict clients.
- slob files for use with aard2 dictionary clients.
- per-headword text files for use with HTTP calls. - is the workhorse.
Sometimes, latest stardict binaries may be required.
- Extract the latest stardict tools package ( in ~/stardict/tools directory. Then do
cd stardict/tools
and build it (Run./configure
as described in the INSTALL file in the directory - but don't remove the compiled binaries from the src directory.).- A shortcut if you are running Linux on a 64 bit computer: Just
git clone --depth 1
in your home directory.
- A shortcut if you are running Linux on a 64 bit computer: Just
- Install stardict-tools-git
- Replaces outdated step:
git clone
. Then build it with ./configure, make etc..
- Replaces outdated step:
Recipe to convert decompiled en-head dictionaries from ajita to sa-head dictionaries: ^.+\t(.+?). should be replaced by \1\t
- For properly releaseed dictionaries, one can get stats as shown here.