Releases: imsweb/staging-client-csharp
Pediatric 1.2 (update)
This a minor revision to the 1.2 version of the pediatric algorithm.
- Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
- Toronto Stage Group [#1149]: This was defined as a length 3 field but the derived value was 4 long. The values have been adjusted from CNS1, CNS2, CNS3 to be 10, 20, 30 to align with the shorter field length.
EOD 3.2 (update)
Note that this is a slightly updated version of EOD 3.2 that was previously released.
EOD v3.2 Review and Conversion:
After EOD v3.2 has been deployed
NET Appendix EOD Primary Tumor [772]: For code 200, the calculation of Derived EOD 2018 T [785] should not depend on the Tumor Size Summary [756] and has been adjusted. This affects Derived EOD 2018 T [785] and Derived EOD 2018 Stage Group [818] for both the 8th and V9 versions of NET Appendix.
If your registry captures/calculates Derived EOD 2018 fields:- If Date of Diagnosis Year is 2018 or later and Schema ID [3800] = 00320 (NET Appendix 8th) or 09320 (NET Appendix V9) and EOD Primary Tumor [772] = 200
- Set Derived EOD 2018 T [785] = T3
- If Derived EOD 2018 M [795]= M0
- If Derived EOD 2018 N [815] = NX, then Set Derived EOD 2018 Stage Group [818] = 99
- If Derived EOD 2018 N [815] = N0, then Set Derived EOD 2018 Stage Group [818] = 2
- OR Recalculate the EOD Derived fields for Schema ID [3800] = 00320 or 09320
- No other changes are necessary
- (This can always be applied. Calculation tables were updated. No review necessary.)
- If Date of Diagnosis Year is 2018 or later and Schema ID [3800] = 00320 (NET Appendix 8th) or 09320 (NET Appendix V9) and EOD Primary Tumor [772] = 200
Appendix EOD Primary Tumor [772], EOD Mets [776]: Code 600 has been removed from EOD Primary Tumor [772] and cases with that code must have EOD Primary Tumor [772] and potentially EOD Mets [776] adjusted.
If your registry captures the EOD 2018 fields:- If Date of Diagnosis Year is 2018 or later and Schema ID [3800] = 00190 (Appendix 8th), 09190 (Appendix V9) and EOD Primary Tumor [772] = 600
- Set EOD Primary Tumor [772] = 500
- If EOD Mets [776] = 00, 10 then set EOD Mets [776] = 30
- This should trigger the EOD derivations.
- No other changes are necessary
- (This can always be applied. Code 600 was not reused. No review necessary.)
- If Date of Diagnosis Year is 2018 or later and Schema ID [3800] = 00190 (Appendix 8th), 09190 (Appendix V9) and EOD Primary Tumor [772] = 600
EOD v3.2 changes:
EOD and SS2018 - includes changes to schema definitions, EOD fields and SS2018
General Changes
- The structure of the notes was modified so the notes have a header in bold to improve readability
- Neoadjuvant Therapy [1632], Neoadjuvant Therapy - Clinical Response [1633], and Neoadjuvant Therapy - Treatment Effects [1634] were added to all schemas
- Derived Summary Stage 2018 [762]: Validation tables were added based on SS2018 [764] for the schema, the coding notes were not included
- Derived Summary Grade 2018 [1975]: Validation tables were added based on Grade Clinical [3843] for the schema, the coding notes were not included
- Version 9 Updated Diseases: AJCC released the 9th revision of the 4 diseases which will be effective for cases diagnosed 1/1/2025 or after. There are now 2 schemas for each.
- Lung [8th: 2018-2024], Schema ID [#3800] = 00360
- Lung [V9: 2025+], Schema ID [#3800] = 09360
- Nasopharynx [8th: 2018-2024], Schema ID [#3800] = 00090
- Nasopharynx [V9: 2025+], Schema ID [#3800] = 09090
- Pleural Mesothelioma [8th: 2018-2024], Schema ID [#3800] =00370
- Pleural Mesothelioma [V9: 2025+], Schema ID [#3800] =09370
- Thymus [8th: 2018-2024], Schema ID [#3800] [#3800] =00350
- Thymus [V9: 2025+], Schema ID [#3800] = 09350
Ampulla of Vater
- Summary Stage 2018 [764]: "Periduodenal tissue" added to Code 7
Appendix 8th, Appendix V9
- EOD Primary Tumor [772]: Note 6 added to clarify when to use Code 300; Code 300 modified to clarify Subserosa; Code 400 modified to clarify Mesoappendix; Code 500 modified to clarify invasion through serosa; Code 600 removed (See 'EOD v3.2 Review and Conversion'); Code 750 modified to remove reference to mucinous tumors
- EOD Regional Nodes [774]: Note 2 added to clarify coding of nodal mets relating to LAMN; Note 3 added to describe how to use Clinical Only codes; Codes 450-700 added for Clinical assessment only
- EOD Mets [776]: Code 30 modified to include peritoneal spread with LAMN tumors
- Summary Stage 2018 [764]: Note 3 added to clarify coding of LAMN behavior; Note 4 added to clarify when to use Code 1 for LAMN; Code 5 modified to clarify coding of nodal mets related to LAMN; Code 0 modified to include in situ for LAMN and HAMN descriptions; Code 1 modified to provide more detail related to subserosa and LAMN; Code 2 modified to provide more detail mesoappendix; Code 7 modified to provide more detail related to LAMN
Bile Ducts Distal, Bile Ducts Perihilar, Cystic Duct, Gallbladder
- EOD Regional Nodes [774]: Note 2 added to describe how to use Clinical Only codes; Codes 725, 775 added for Clinical assessment only
Brain 8th, Brain V9
- EOD Primary Tumor [772]: Note 1 added to clarify coding of /0 and /1 tumors; Note 3 modified to clarify that documentation must state crossing the midline
Brain 8th, Brain V9, CNS Other 8th, CNS Other V9, Intracranial Gland 8th, Intracranial Gland V9
- EOD Mets [776]: Note 1 added to clarify coding of /0 and /1 tumors; Note 2 added to define Leptomeningeal metastases
Summary Stage 2018 [764]: Note 5 added to clarify coding of /0 and /1 tumors
- EOD Mets [776]: Note 1 added to clarify coding of /0 and /1 tumors; Note 2 added to define Leptomeningeal metastases
Brain 8th, Brain V9, CNS Other 8th, CNS Other V9
- EOD Mets [776]: Code 70 modified to provide more examples under Metastasis within CNS and CSF pathways
CNS Other 8th, CNS Other V9
- EOD Primary Tumor [772]: Note 1 added to clarify coding of /0 and /1 tumors; Note 2 added to clarify crossing the midline vs midline shift; Note 3 added to define discontiguous spread
Colon and Rectum
- EOD Regional Nodes [774]: Note 3 added to describe how to use Clinical Only codes; Codes 350-600 added for Clinical assessment only
Cystic Duct, Gallbladder
- EOD Regional Nodes [774]: Note 2 added to describe how to use Clinical Only codes; Codes 725, 775 added for Clinical assessment only
Esophagus, Esophagus Squamous
- EOD Regional Nodes [774]: Note 3 added to describe how to use Clinical Only codes; Codes 725, 750, 775 added for Clinical assessment only
Intracranial Gland 8th, Intracranial Gland V9
- EOD Primary Tumor [772]: Note 1 added to clarify coding of /0 and /1 tumors
Lymphoma, Lymphoma CLL/SLL
- EOD Primary Tumor [772]: Note 8 added to define Splenic involvement; Note 14 added to describe how to use Code 800
- Summary Stage 2018 [764]: Note 7 added to define Splenic involvement; Note 8 added to describe how to code bilateral sites
Medulloblastoma V9
- EOD Primary Tumor [772]: Note 1 added to clarify coding of /0 and /1 tumors; Note 2 modified to clarify this field is for single tumors and provide guidance on coding multiple tumors; Note 3 added to clarify crossing the midline vs midline shift; Note 4 modified to clarify how to code direct or contiguous extension; Code 150 modified to specify single tumor is confined to primary site; Code 250 modified to specify single tumor confined to primary site; Code 999 modified to include multiple tumors and single tumor with extension to adjacent site
- EOD Mets [776]: Note 1 added to clarify coding of /0 and /1 tumors; Note 4 added to clarify the coding of Leptomeningeal metastases; Code 15 modified to remove 'Microscopic confirmation' of tumor cells in CSF; Code 35 modified to include visible metastasis in spine, metastasis with CNS and CSF pathways (with examples), and to remove Gross spinal subarachnoid seeding
- Summary Stage 2018 [764]: Note 3 modified to clarify coding of /0 and /1 tumors
Melanoma Skin
- EOD Regional Nodes [774]: Note 2 added to describe when to use Code 000; Old Note 8 related to nodes for C210 and C500 removed; Renumbered Note 8 modified to include nodes for C445
- EOD Regional Nodes [774]: Note 4 added to describe how to use Clinical Only codes; Codes 725, 775 added for Clinical assessment only
Pleural Mesothelioma 8th
- EOD Primary Tumor [772]: Code 200 added for "Ipsilateral pleural surfaces all involved (diaphragmatic, parietal, mediastinal, and viscera) WITHOUT further involvement"
- EOD Prostate Pathologic Extension [3919]: Note 5 added to describe when to use Code 300; Note 8 added to describe when to use Code 800
Small Intestine
- EOD Regional Nodes [774]: Note 4 added to describe how to use Clinical Only codes; Codes 600, 700 added for Clinical assessment only
Soft Tissue Abdomen and Thoracic
- Schema Selection: Primary Site [400] = C340-C349 with Histology ICDO3 [522] = 8982 removed from this schema for 2025 and later. This combination is now found in Lung V9
- Schema Selection: Primary Site [400] = C379 with Histology ICDO3 [522] = 8980 removed from this schema for 2025 and later. This combination is now found in Thymus V9
- EOD Regional Nodes [774]: Note 4 added to describe how to use Clinical Only codes; Codes 450-700 added for Clinical assessment only
- EOD Primary Tumor [772]: Code 200 modified to remove Surface implants (surface of vaginalis tunica) and Tunica vaginalis involved; Code 300 modified to add Surface implants (surface of vaginalis tunica) and Tunica vaginalis involved;
Thyroid, Thyroid Medullary
- EOD Regional Nodes [774]: Note 2 modified to include that Code 800 is to be used when only involvement is psammoma bodies only
- Summary Stage 2018 [764]: Note 3 added to clarify how to code psammoma bodies only
SSDI and Grade - NAACCR is the custodian of these fields, changes are listed here for convenience. See Change Log on for complete information.
General Changes
- Documentation for all SSDIs was overhauled and restructured to prepare for new method of SSDI manual creation
- Description/Definition, Rationale, Additional Information and Coding Guidelines were added to the SSDI
- Some information stored in Notes in v3.1 and prior was ...
- Documentation for all SSDIs was overhauled and restructured to prepare for new method of SSDI manual creation
Set ComVisible to TRUE
Test of setting COMVisible flag to true.
Set AOT Compatible to true
Test of another setting change.
EOD 3.2
EOD v3.2 Review and Conversion:
After EOD v3.2 has been deployed
NET Appendix EOD Primary Tumor [772]: For code 200, the calculation of Derived EOD 2018 T [785] should not depend on the Tumor Size Summary [756] and has been adjusted. This affects Derived EOD 2018 T [785] and Derived EOD 2018 Stage Group [818] for both the 8th and V9 versions of NET Appendix.
If your registry captures/calculates Derived EOD 2018 fields:- If Date of Diagnosis Year is 2018 or later and Schema ID [3800] = 00320 (NET Appendix 8th) or 09320 (NET Appendix V9) and EOD Primary Tumor [772] = 200
- Set Derived EOD 2018 T [785] = T3
- If Derived EOD 2018 M [795]= M0
- If Derived EOD 2018 N [815] = NX, then Set Derived EOD 2018 Stage Group [818] = 99
- If Derived EOD 2018 N [815] = N0, then Set Derived EOD 2018 Stage Group [818] = 2
- OR Recalculate the EOD Derived fields for Schema ID [3800] = 00320 or 09320
- No other changes are necessary
- (This can always be applied. Calculation tables were updated. No review necessary.)
- If Date of Diagnosis Year is 2018 or later and Schema ID [3800] = 00320 (NET Appendix 8th) or 09320 (NET Appendix V9) and EOD Primary Tumor [772] = 200
Appendix EOD Primary Tumor [772], EOD Mets [776]: Code 600 has been removed from EOD Primary Tumor [772] and cases with that code must have EOD Primary Tumor [772] and potentially EOD Mets [776] adjusted.
If your registry captures the EOD 2018 fields:- If Date of Diagnosis Year is 2018 or later and Schema ID [3800] = 00190 (Appendix 8th), 09190 (Appendix V9) and EOD Primary Tumor [772] = 600
- Set EOD Primary Tumor [772] = 500
- If EOD Mets [776] = 00, 10 then set EOD Mets [776] = 30
- This should trigger the EOD derivations.
- No other changes are necessary
- (This can always be applied. Code 600 was not reused. No review necessary.)
- If Date of Diagnosis Year is 2018 or later and Schema ID [3800] = 00190 (Appendix 8th), 09190 (Appendix V9) and EOD Primary Tumor [772] = 600
EOD v3.2 changes:
EOD and SS2018 - includes changes to schema definitions, EOD fields and SS2018
General Changes
- The structure of the notes was modified so the notes have a header in bold to improve readability
- Neoadjuvant Therapy [1632], Neoadjuvant Therapy - Clinical Response [1633], and Neoadjuvant Therapy - Treatment Effects [1634] were added to all schemas
- Derived Summary Stage 2018 [762]: Validation tables were added based on SS2018 [764] for the schema, the coding notes were not included
- Derived Summary Grade 2018 [1975]: Validation tables were added based on Grade Clinical [3843] for the schema, the coding notes were not included
- Version 9 Updated Diseases: AJCC released the 9th revision of the 4 diseases which will be effective for cases diagnosed 1/1/2025 or after. There are now 2 schemas for each.
- Lung [8th: 2018-2024], Schema ID [#3800] = 00360
- Lung [V9: 2025+], Schema ID [#3800] = 09360
- Nasopharynx [8th: 2018-2024], Schema ID [#3800] = 00090
- Nasopharynx [V9: 2025+], Schema ID [#3800] = 09090
- Pleural Mesothelioma [8th: 2018-2024], Schema ID [#3800] =00370
- Pleural Mesothelioma [V9: 2025+], Schema ID [#3800] =09370
- Thymus [8th: 2018-2024], Schema ID [#3800] [#3800] =00350
- Thymus [V9: 2025+], Schema ID [#3800] = 09350
Appendix 8th, Appendix V9
- EOD Primary Tumor [772]: Note 6 added to clarify when to use Code 300; Code 300 modified to clarify Subserosa; Code 400 modified to clarify Mesoappendix; Code 500 modified to clarify invasion through serosa; Code 600 removed (See 'EOD v3.2 Review and Conversion'); Code 750 modified to remove reference to mucinous tumors
- EOD Regional Nodes [774]: Note 2 added to clarify coding of nodal mets relating to LAMN; Note 3 added to describe how to use Clinical Only codes; Codes 450-700 added for Clinical assessment only
- EOD Mets [776]: Code 30 modified to include peritoneal spread with LAMN tumors
- Summary Stage 2018 [764]: Note 3 added to clarify coding of LAMN behavior; Note 4 added to clarify when to use Code 1 for LAMN; Code 5 modified to clarify coding of nodal mets related to LAMN; Code 0 modified to include in situ for LAMN and HAMN descriptions; Code 1 modified to provide more detail related to subserosa and LAMN; Code 2 modified to provide more detail mesoappendix; Code 7 modified to provide more detail related to LAMN
Bile Ducts Distal, Bile Ducts Perihilar, Cystic Duct, Gallbladder
- EOD Regional Nodes [774]: Note 2 added to describe how to use Clinical Only codes; Codes 725, 775 added for Clinical assessment only
Brain 8th, Brain V9
- EOD Primary Tumor [772]: Note 1 added to clarify coding of /0 and /1 tumors; Note 3 modified to clarify that documentation must state crossing the midline
Brain 8th, Brain V9, CNS Other 8th, CNS Other V9, Intracranial Gland 8th, Intracranial Gland V9
- EOD Mets [776]: Note 1 added to clarify coding of /0 and /1 tumors; Note 2 added to define Leptomeningeal metastases
- Summary Stage 2018 [764]: Note 5 added to clarify coding of /0 and /1 tumors
Brain 8th, Brain V9, CNS Other 8th, CNS Other V9
- EOD Mets [776]: Code 70 modified to provide more examples under Metastasis within CNS and CSF pathways
CNS Other 8th, CNS Other V9
- EOD Primary Tumor [772]: Note 1 added to clarify coding of /0 and /1 tumors; Note 2 added to clarify crossing the midline vs midline shift; Note 3 added to define discontiguous spread
Colon and Rectum
- EOD Regional Nodes [774]: Note 3 added to describe how to use Clinical Only codes; Codes 350-600 added for Clinical assessment only
- EOD Regional Nodes [774]: Note 3 added to describe how to use Clinical Only codes; Codes 725, 750, 775 added for Clinical assessment only
Intracranial Gland 8th, Intracranial Gland V9
- EOD Primary Tumor [772]: Note 1 added to clarify coding of /0 and /1 tumors
Lymphoma, Lymphoma CLL/SLL
- EOD Primary Tumor [772]: Note 8 added to define Splenic involvement; Note 14 added to describe how to use Code 800
- Summary Stage 2018 [764]: Note 7 added to define Splenic involvement; Note 8 added to describe how to code bilateral sites
Medulloblastoma V9
- EOD Primary Tumor [772]: Note 1 added to clarify coding of /0 and /1 tumors; Note 2 modified to clarify this field is for single tumors and provide guidance on coding multiple tumors; Note 3 added to clarify crossing the midline vs midline shift; Note 4 modified to clarify how to code direct or contiguous extension; Code 150 modified to specify single tumor is confined to primary site; Code 250 modified to specify single tumor confined to primary site; Code 999 modified to include multiple tumors and single tumor with extension to adjacent site
- EOD Mets [776]: Note 1 added to clarify coding of /0 and /1 tumors; Note 4 added to clarify the coding of Leptomeningeal metastases; Code 15 modified to remove 'Microscopic confirmation' of tumor cells in CSF; Code 35 modified to include visible metastasis in spine, metastasis with CNS and CSF pathways (with examples), and to remove Gross spinal subarachnoid seeding
- Summary Stage 2018 [764]: Note 3 modified to clarify coding of /0 and /1 tumors
Melanoma Skin
- EOD Regional Nodes [774]: Note 2 added to describe when to use Code 000; Old Note 8 related to nodes for C210 and C500 removed; Renumbered Note 8 modified to include nodes for C445
- EOD Regional Nodes [774]: Note 4 added to describe how to use Clinical Only codes; Codes 725, 775 added for Clinical assessment only
- EOD Prostate Pathologic Extension [3919]: Note 5 added to describe when to use Code 300; Note 8 added to describe when to use Code 800
Small Intestine
- EOD Regional Nodes [774]: Note 4 added to describe how to use Clinical Only codes; Codes 600, 700 added for Clinical assessment only
Soft Tissue Abdomen and Thoracic
- Schema Selection: Primary Site [400] = C340-C349 with Histology ICDO3 [522] = 8982 removed from this schema for 2025 and later. This combination is now found in Lung V9
- Schema Selection: Primary Site [400] = C379 with Histology ICDO3 [522] = 8980 removed from this schema for 2025 and later. This combination is now found in Thymus V9
- EOD Regional Nodes [774]: Note 4 added to describe how to use Clinical Only codes; Codes 450-700 added for Clinical assessment only
- EOD Primary Tumor [772]: Code 200 modified to remove Surface implants (surface of vaginalis tunica) and Tunica vaginalis involved; Code 300 modified to add Surface implants (surface of vaginalis tunica) and Tunica vaginalis involved;
Thyroid, Thyroid Medullary
- EOD Regional Nodes [774]: Note 2 modified to include that Code 800 is to be used when only involvement is psammoma bodies only
- Summary Stage 2018 [764]: Note 3 added to clarify how to code psammoma bodies only
SSDI and Grade - NAACCR is the custodian of these fields, changes are listed here for convenience. See Change Log on for complete information.
General Changes
- Documentation for all SSDIs was overhauled and restructured to prepare for new method of SSDI manual creation
- Description/Definition, Rationale, Additional Information and Coding Guidelines were added to the SSDI
- Some information stored in Notes in v3.1 and prior was moved to these new fields and repetitive text was removed
- The structure of the notes have changes to that the notes have a header in bold to improve readability
- Documentation for all SSDIs was overhauled and restructured to prepare for new method of SSDI manual creation
Appendix 8th, Appendix V9
- Grade Clinical [3843], Grade Pathological [3844], Grade Post Therapy Clinical (yc) [1068], Grade Post Therapy Path (yp) [3845]: New Note (4 or 5) added defining how to assign grade to LAMN and HAMN tumors
Appendix V9
- Histologic Subtype [3960}: internal name and tag were corrected (changed from Histology subtype)
Brain V9
- Brain Primary Tumor Location [3964]: Required by all standard set...
Pediatric 1.2
Pediatric v1.2 changes:
General Changes
- All Pediatric specific data items had the item number changed from the 9nnn value to the official NAACCR number. See the NAACCR 2025 Implementation Guide, Section 3 for the complete list
- Note Conversion tables (from EOD 2018 to Pediatric) should only be used to fill in blank values and should not overwrite values coded by humans.
Adult/Other Non-Pediatric
- Schema Selection: Histology 8824-8827 with all sites, all ages was removed; some combinations are in other schemas and this was a double assignment.
Hodgkin Lymphoma
- B Symptoms [3812]: added '(100.4 F)' after 38 degrees C to clarify the measurement
- Pediatric Primary Tumor [1136]: added codes 400 (Regional tumor, one side) and 600 (Regional tumor crosses midline)
- Derived Pediatric Stage Group [1145}: Calculations were adjusted for new codes. Code 300 adjusted to derived the same as code 100; code 400 added to derived the same as code 200, code 600 now derives what code 300 had been calculating. Derived Pediatric Stage Group must be recalculated for all Neuroblastoma cases
- n-MYC Amplification [1186]: a typo in the XML ID was corrected
- Conversions: conversion to Pediatric Primary Tumor table was updated to remove the lower EOD Primary Tumor conversions to 100 as the specific code cannot be determined; conversion to Pediatric Regional Nodes table was updated to remove the EOD Regional Nodes conversions to 800 as the specific code cannot be determined; conversion to Pediatric Mets table was updated to remove the EOD Mets conversions to 70 as the specific code cannot be determined without the six Mets at Dx location fields
NHL (4 schemas)
- Conversions: conversion to Pediatric Primary Tumor table was updated to remove Mycosis Fungoides going to NHL as these histologies are no longer mapped to NHL; conversion to Pediatric Primary Tumor table was updated to change Brain and CNS going to NHL from going to code 400 to going to code 800 as the definitions of these codes has been adjusted; conversion to Pediatric Primary Tumor table was updated to adjust several final values for Pediatric PT to meet the updated NHL meanings
Non-Rhabdomyosarcoma (3 schemas)
- Conversions: conversion to Pediatric Regional Nodes table was updated for the EOD Regional Nodes values of 100-800 to go to Pediatric Regional Nodes of 800
- Conversions: conversions from Soft Tissue Other (00459) to Ovarian (10c2) were added to the Primary Tumor and Regional Nodes conversion tables
- Pediatric Primary Tumor [1136]: Code 450 modified to include 'WITH or WITHOUT vascular/lymphatic invasion'
Upgraded .NET Framework to 4.8.1
Test release upgrading to .NET Framework 4.8.1.
EOD v3.1 revision
- General: the tables controlling when Derived EOD 2018 Stage Group [818] utilizes the AJCC ID value. These tables had not been updated to reference the new AJCC IDs for the V9 schemas. This has been corrected. If you calculate the Derived EOD 2018 fields, It is recommended to run the derivations across all January 1, 2018 and later cases to ensure the correct Derived EOD 2018 Stage Group is captured. imsweb/staging-client-java#108
Fix property name
Fix property name
Renamed rational to rationale #107
Pediatric 1.1 conversion fix
- Conversion to Pediatric Regional Nodes: for Pediatric Schemas 9b, 9d, 9e: some rows had a Pediatric Regional Nodes value of 100-800. This was corrected to be 800.
See #106
New StagingTable fields
3 new fields were added to the StagingTable:
- Rational
- Additional Information
- Coding Guidelines
Note that this only adds support for these fields. There is no algorithm-specific data yet. See #105.
Pediatric conversion tables
In the prior release of the Pediatric 1.1 algorithm there were conversion tables that should have been included. By default the library strips out tables that are not used in any schema. We now also include and table with an identifier that starts with conversion_. See #104 for details.
Pediatric 1.1
Pediatric v1.1 changes:
General Changes
- Toronto T [9628], Toronto N [9629], Toronto M [9630], Toronto Stage Group [9631] were added to all schema. If the field is not defined for the schema, the default of N/A is set. X is used for Unknown.
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
- Pediatric Primary Tumor [9623]: Minor revisions to wording in Notes 1, 2 and 3 for clarity
- White Blood Cell Count [9621]: Note 3 related to the units of measurement was revised; Units of measure in the codes were revised to match
- Pediatric Primary Tumor [9623]: Note 2 related to the coding of /0 and /1 was added; sub-bullet for Note 3 was revised for clarity
- Pediatric Mets [9625]: Note 2 related to Leptomeningeal metastases was added; Code 70 was revised to include more specified sites
- BRAF Mutational Analysis [3940]: Note 3 sub-bullet was changed to "KIAA1549: BRAF gene fusion"; Code 3 was changed to match
- Pediatric Primary Tumor [9623]: Existing Notes were revised for clarity; Note 2 was added describing how to code /0 and /1; Note 3 was added describing midline shift vs midline; Codes 150, 250 and 999 were revised for greater specificity
- Pediatric Mets [9625]: Note 1 was removed; Note 3 was moved to Note 1; a new Note 3 was added related to adjacent sites; Note 4 was added related to Leptomeningeal metastases; Codes 25, 35, and 45 were revised to add more specific sites
- Pediatric Mets [9625]: Code 10 was reworded to replace 'Lesser omentum' with 'Omentum (lesser and NOS) (see code 20 for greater omentum)'; Code 20 had 'Greater omentum (see code 10 for lesser omentum and omentum, NOS)' added
- Pretext Clinical Staging [9626]: Note 3 sub-bullets were changed to include 'Caudate liver: Segment I'
- Derived Pediatric Stage Group [9606]: calculation was revised to include Pretext Clinical Staging
Hodgkin Lymphoma
- Pediatric Primary Tumor [9623]: Note 7 related to Splenic involvement was added;
- Derived Pediatric N [9605], Derived Pediatric M[9604]: XML ID was corrected, a space was accidentally included in the tag
Medulloblastoma (5 schemas)
- Pediatric Primary Tumor [9623]: Existing Notes were revised for clarity; Note 2 was added describing how to code /0 and /1; Note 3 was added describing midline shift vs midline; Codes 150, 250 and 999 were revised for greater specificity
- Pediatric Mets [9625]: Note 1 was removed; Note 3 was moved to Note 1; a new Note 3 was added related to adjacent sites; Note 4 was added related to Leptomeningeal metastases; Codes 25, 35, and 45 were revised to add more specific sites
- Schema Definition: for C700-C729, C751-C753, /0 and /1 were removed from Neuroblastoma
- Pediatric Primary Tumor [9623]: Note 1 was revised and sub-bullets describing coding were added
- Pediatric Regional Nodes [9624]: Note 1 was added describing the information on which this field should be based
NHL: Burkitt lymphoma; NHL: NOS
- Schema Definition: C440-C449 were removed from all NHL schemas
NHL: Mature T-cell and NK-cell lymphomas
- Schema Definition: C440-C449 were removed from all NHL schemas, 9700-9701, 9718-9719 were removed from NHL Mature T-cell and NK-cell lymphomas
NHL: Burkitt lymphoma; NHL: Mature T-cell and NK-cell lymphomas; NHL: NOS
- Pediatric Primary Tuor [9623]: Note 1 related to special terms for involvment was added; Note 2 related on how to code St Jude/Murphy stage was added; all codes were revised; Code 700 was removed
- Derived Pediatric Stage Group [9606]: the algorithm was revised so that Pediatric Primary Tumor code 300 derived Stage 2 (instead of 3), code 400 and 500 derived Stage 3 (instead of 4 and 2 respectively)
NHL: Mature B-cell lymphomas
- Schema Definition: C440-C449 were removed from all NHL schemas, 9971 was removed from NHL Mature B-cell lymphomas
- Pediatric Primary Tuor [9623]: Note 1 related to special terms for involvment was added; Note 2 related on how to code St Jude/Murphy stage was added; a sub-bullet related to special histologies was added to Note 4; all codes were revised; Code 700 was removed
- Derived Pediatric Stage Group [9606]: the algorithm was revised so that Pediatric Primary Tumor code 300 derived Stage 2 (instead of 3), code 400 and 500 derived Stage 3 (instead of 4 and 2 respectively)
Non-Rhabdomyosarcoma: Other specified
- Schema Definition: C400-C424, C770-C779 were added to the schema for histologies 8587, 8710-8713, 8806, 8831-8833, 8836, 8840-8842, 8850-8858, 8860-8862, 8870, 8880, 8881, 8890-8898, 8921, 8982, 8990, 9040-9044, 9120-9125, 9130-9133, 9135, 9136, 9141, 9142, 9161, 9170-9175, 9231, 9251, 9252, 9373, 9581
- Pediatric Primary Tumor [9623]: Note 1 was revised for clarity
- IRSS Stage For Eye 2 [9627]: Note 2 was removed; new Note 2 was added describing when to code this and special cases; Note 3 was added discussing bilateral retinoblastoma; Note 4 was added describing what to do if only one eye is involved; Code 7 was revised to clarify its use with unilateral retinoblastoma
- Pediatric Primary Tumor [9623]: Note 3 was added discussing LVI relation to codes 200 and 250