Hej Sverige! is an application whose goal is to educate and motivate newcomers to Sweden. We have achieved by presenting the user to a display showing a map immiediatley after the user enters the application. On this map the user can then view different points of interest, such as cafés, libraries, parks, and much more.
These points of interest can be tapped on to show a place specific video showing an interaction that could occur at the current point of interest. There is also a bunch of place specific cards, showing a picture of an object which could be seen on the point of interest, along with a button that plays the word that is associated with the picture.
The user can also choose to "complete" the point of interest, by doing this the user saves the point of interest on the map and another point of interest is generated.
The repo is divided into two parts. One part is called "project_documents" and contains all project documentation, including Reflection Report, D1, D2, etc.
The second part("notpokemongo"-folder) is the actual android studio project. Most parts of the code we've written along with resources can be found in: NotPokemonGo > app > src.
Download link to D3 (Github did not like our +100mb .apk):