##iGEM-2014: SJTU-Software This is the project of igem 2014 by team SJTU-Software.
##Introduction "Easy BBK" is a trial to provide a standardized, visualized and user friendly access to bio-brick system by simplify and interassociate the searching, comparing, designing and uploading of bio-bricks. These four main functions constitute the "Easy BBK" client-side which is realized by pure java and supported by a remote server through the internet. We hope that you will have better experiences when exploring the biobrick world using "Easy BBK".
For tutorial and more details, please visit our wiki page.
##Supported OS
- Windows XP of higher
- Linux
- Mac OS
##Client Installation The runnable file "EasyBBK.jar" under "/Executable/", which is the client of our sofrware, can be execute under all of the OS mentioned above with jre6 or higher. You may install the java enviroment to execute it.
If you prefer not to install java environment, other ways to run the client is also provided:
For Windows users, download the file "EasyBBK-Windows.zip" in the latest release, extract into any directory and double click the file "EasyBBK.bat" in the root directory of the decompressed file folder.
For Linux users, download the file "/Executable/EasyBBK-Linux.zip" in the latest release, extract into any directory. Then open a terminal, cd to the root directory of the decompressed file folder, and execute "bash EasyBBK".
For Mac OS users, download the file "/Executable/EasyBBK-MacOS.zip" in the latest release, extract into any directory. Then open a command line window, cd to the root directory of the decompressed file folder, and execute "bash EasyBBK".
##Further Development Having new ideas? We also provide the source code and the document of the project. For further development, these might help: ####Floder Structure #####/Executable/: The runnable .jar file which can be executed by double click under java environment. The compressed files which can be runned without java environment under different operating systems is provided in the releases.
#####/src/: The source code of the client and the server. The folder /src/data_collection/ contains the perl source code for database data collecting. The folder /src/data_center/ contains the source code that provides database and server connection and background data storing. The folder /src/EasyBbk_Swing/gui/ contains the source code for GUI. (Note that the server detail like username and password is not provided for information safety).
#####/lib/: The linked .jar file essential to the client. You may also link these resources into the software when further modifying.
#####/Documentation/: The documentation for data collection, API documentation and test documentation for the background unit "data_center".
####API Documents and Architecture Introductions: In /Documentation/. Provides the API and the architecture documentation in corresponding folders. The documentation for database data collection and data_center unit test is also provided. The same documentation can also be downloaded from our wiki download page.
####Compiling The source code is compiled under JavaSE-1.6 (the link of JavaSE-1.8 is provided here) and Eclipse 4.4 by SJTU-Software team, you may also compile under the same environment or higher.
##Contact Us For any questions or ideas about EasyBbk, please contact: iGemdry2014@163.com