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ist-yii-cfile is an extension for Yii Framework, bundling commonly used functions for filesystem objects (files and directories) manipulation.
This extension can also operate in standalone mode, i.e. without Yii.
- Properties
- exists
- isdir
- isfile
- isempty
- isuploaded
- readable
- writeable
- realpath
- relativepath
- basename (+setter)
- filename (+setter)
- dirname
- extension (+setter)
- mimeType
- timeModified
- size
- owner (+setter)
- group (+setter)
- permissions (+setter)
- Methods
- create
- createdir
- purge
- contents
- copy
- rename/move
- send/download
- delete
- PHP 5.1+ and Yii 1.0 or above to use as Yii extension.
- PHP 5.1+ to use without Yii.
- For Yii: extract extension files under protected/extensions/file.
- Without Yii: extract extension files into a directory of choise.
To use with Yii Framework:
- Introduce CFile to Yii.
- Add definition to CWebApplication config file (main.php)
- Now you can access CFile properties and methods as follows:
$myfile = Yii::app()->file->set('files/test.txt', true);
* We use set() method to link new CFile object to our file. First set() parameter
* - 'files/test.txt' - is the file path (here we supply relative path wich
* is automatically converted into real file path such as '/var/www/htdocs/files/test.txt').
* Second set() parameter - true - tells CFile to get all file properties at the very
* beginning (it could be omitted if we don't need all of them).
// $myfile now contains CFile object, let's see what do we got there.
var_dump($myfile); // You may dump object to see all its properties,
echo $myfile->size; // or get property,
$myfile->permissions = 755; // or set property,
$mynewfile = $myfile->copy('test2.txt'); // or manipulate file somehow, e.g. copy.
// Please see CFile methods for actions available.
* Now $mynewfile contains new CFile object.
* In this example file 'test2.txt' created in the same directory as our first 'test.txt' file.
// The following is also valid.
if (Yii::app()->file->set('files/test3.txt')->exists) {
echo 'Bingo-bongo!';
} else {
echo 'No-no-no.';
* Since 0.5 you can manipulate uploaded files (through CUploadedFile Yii class).
* Let's suppose that we have the following form in our html:
* <form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">
* <input type="file" name="myupload"/>
* <input type="submit"/>
* </form>
* After the form is submitted we can handle uploaded file as usual.
$uploaded = Yii::app()->file->set('myupload');
// Let's copy newly uploaded file into 'files' directory with its original name.
$newfile = $uploaded->copy('files/' . $uploaded->basename);
* Since 0.6 you can use Yii path aliases.
* See for information about path aliases.
* Now let's get the contents of the directory where CFile resides
* (supposing that it is in Yii extensions path in the 'file' subdirectory).
$cfileDir = Yii::app()->file->set('ext.file');
* Directory contents filtering was also introduced in 0.6.
* Futher we get all php files from $cfileDir mentioned above.
* We do not need all the decendants (recursion) so we supply 'false' as the first parameter
* for getContents() method.
* The second parameter describes filter, i.e. let me see only 'php' files.
* You can supply an array of rules (eg. array('php', 'txt')).
* NB: Moreover you can define perl regular expressions as rules.
print_r($cfileDir->getContents(false, 'php'));
* Since 0.8 you can boost up file downloads.
* Feature requires 'x-sendfile' header support from server (eg. Apache with mod_xsendfile
* or lighttpd).
* If CFile::download() second parameter ('serverHandled') is set to True file download uses
* server internals.
$myfile->download('myfastfile.txt', true);
- The other way to use this class is to import it into Yii:
if (CFile::set('files/test3.txt')->exists) {
echo 'Bingo-bongo!';
} else {
echo 'No-no-no.';
To use without Yii
Simply import CFileHelper.php when needed and use CFileHelper::get() to get CFile object for a filesystem resource.
$cf_file = CFileHelper::get('files/test.txt'); // $cf_cile now contains CFile object, use it as required.
Detailed information about class properties and methods could be found in CFile.php source code, do not hesitate to digg into it.