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Creating a new MOOSE based application

Cody Permann edited this page Feb 18, 2014 · 3 revisions
  1. Start here:
  2. Choose a new application name. Consider the use of an acryonym. We prefer animal names for applications, but you are free to choose whatever name suits your needs.
  3. Fork the Stork!
  4. Rename your repository on Github to match your animal name (THIS IS IMPORTANT)
  • Click on your repository, then the Settings button
  • Rename your repository
  1. Clone your fork to your workstation:

    git clone<username>/stork.git
  2. Run the script.

    Note: This script will modify your cloned repository preparing it for immediate use!

    cd stork
    ./ <new application name>
  3. Commit your changes back to your local repository and push.

    git commit -a -m 'Beginning my new application'
    git push


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