DNS record changing detection tool with slack notification.
It is easy to use as we provide an executable files for Linux, MacOS.
In some cases, NS records have been tampered with by unauthorized access to DNS registrars and the domain has been hijacked. In order to detect such cases, this tool checks if the NS records are correct.
If you run cron regularly, it will only notify you of slack when there is a problem, so you can be aware of unintentional NS/MX changes before they happen.
The NS records are retrieved from the DNS Root servers(authority servers) and not affected by dns cache.
MX records refer to the local DNS cache server(full resolver).
Download linux/macOS binary from here.
Download latest linux binary directly.
wget https://github.com/ichikaway/nschecker/releases/latest/download/nschecker-linux-64bit
chmod 700 nschecker-linux-64bit
./nschecker-linux-64bit -type Type(NS/MX) -domain <your domain> -expect <NS records with comma>
./nschecker-macOS-64bit -type Type(NS/MX) -domain <your domain> -expect <NS records with comma>
go run NSchecker.go -type Type(NS/MX) -domain <your domain> -expect <NS records with comma>
./nschecker-linux-64bit -type NS -domain "vaddy.net" -expect "ns-1151.awsdns-15.org. , ns-1908.awsdns-46.co.uk. , ns-457.awsdns-57.com. , ns-700.awsdns-23.net."
-mode silent
no message to stdout. only output error messages to stderr.
./nschecker-linux-64bit -type NS -domain "vaddy.net" -expect "ns-1151.awsdns-15.org" -mode silent
Return status code 0 if there is no problem.
Return status code 1 or higher with error message if there there are problems.
Set slack webhook settings on OS env, NSchecker sends error message to the slack channel when detecting errors or DNS record changing.
export SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL="webhook url"
export SLACK_FREE_TEXT="<!channel> from AWS lambda" #optional
export SLACK_USERNAME="your user" #optional
export SLACK_CHANNEL="your channel" #optional
export SLACK_ICON_EMOJI=":smile:" #optional
export SLACK_ICON_URL="icon url" #optional
TLD権威サーバに登録されているNSレコードについては、DNS Rootサーバからデータを取得するため、キャッシュの影響はうけません。