Cross-platform .net Core tool for interacting with MQTT. Inspire by Curl.
Usage information available by using the '--help' option. Example help text shown below:
dotnet .\Cmqtt.dll --help
Cmqtt 1.0.0
publish Publish a message to a broker on a specific topic
subscribe Subscribe to messages from a broker on a specific topic
help Display more information on a specific command.
version Display version information.
dotnet .\Cmqtt.dll publish --help
Cmqtt 1.0.0
-t, --topic Required. Topic on which to publish a message.
-m, --message The message to publish to the broker.
-f, --file The file containing the message to publish to the broker.
-e, --encoding (Default: Utf8) The encoding to use for the message
-b, --broker Required. Address of the broker to publish to.
-p, --port (Default: 1883) Port on which to connect of the broker.
-c, --client (Default: cmqtt) Client id to use when connecting to the broker.
--User The username to use to authenticate with the broker
--Password The password to use to authenticate with the broker
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
dotnet .\Cmqtt.dll subscribe --help
Cmqtt 1.0.0
-t, --topic Required. Topic on which to subscribe for messages.
-e, --encoding (Default: Utf8) The encoding to use for the message
-b, --broker Required. Address of the broker to publish to.
-p, --port (Default: 1883) Port on which to connect of the broker.
-c, --client (Default: cmqtt) Client id to use when connecting to the broker.
--User The username to use to authenticate with the broker
--Password The password to use to authenticate with the broker
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.