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Meta-package for HK Software stack

How to build hk-software Docker image locally

It is important to have things for building the image locally (assuming you have Docker installed on your machine):

  • Have BUILDKIT enabled (in most recent docker installation, this is enabled by default). This can be done by either doing export DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 or prepending the docker build command with DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 (like DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build ...)
  • Expose the ssh agent socket so that hk-pilot can use your ssh agent to clone the proper repositories e.g.
    docker build --ssh default .

Therefore the total command to be sure it will work is:

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --ssh default -t .

How to use hk-software using docker

Built images of hk-software are available on the GitHub Container Registry (GHCR): They should exist for each tagger version of hk-software, but also for the latest commit in the main branch.

To download them, you need to first login into GHRC (no need to redo this if done at least once):

docker login

It will ask for your GitHub username and a GitHub token (your GitHub password won't work).

From there, you can download the image e.g. version 0.0.2 and start a container:

docker pull
docker run --rm -it

Note the change of prompt.

As of 0.0.3, the hk-pilot and hk-software scripts are automatically loaded when running the container. From there, you should have access to all the software, e.g.:

which WCSim

If that were not the case, you can source the hk-pilot and the hk-software

. /usr/local/hk/hk-pilot/
. /usr/local/hk/hk-software/install-$(hkp --system)/