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[] pre-commit autoupdate #550

[] pre-commit autoupdate

[] pre-commit autoupdate #550

Workflow file for this run

name: Lint
- master
- cron: "10 10 * * SUN"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# TODO: is there an easier way to do this?
- name: Determine if we apply to all files
if: contains(fromJSON('["schedule", "workflow_dispatch"]'), github.event_name)
run: echo "changed_all=true" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
# NOTE: code needs to be checked out to even get at .github/paths-filter.yml
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Install dependency manager
run: pipx install poetry
- name: Set up Python 3.x
id: setup-python
uses: actions/setup-python@v4
python-version: '3.11.1' # avoid warning in logs
cache: 'poetry'
- name: Install packages
run: poetry install --no-interaction
- name: Check for changes in relevant files
id: changes
if: env.changed_all != 'true'
uses: dorny/paths-filter@v2
filters: .github/paths-filter.yml
- name: Set up pre-commit
if: env.changed_all == 'true' || steps.changes.outputs.all == 'true'
# TODO: how do we make the version of pre-commit match pyproject.toml
run: |
pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install --install-hooks
- name: Get listing of changed Ansible files
id: ansible-files
if: env.changed_all != 'true' && steps.changes.outputs.ansible == 'true'
uses: dorny/paths-filter@v2
# Enable listing of files matching each filter.
# Paths to files will be available in `${FILTER_NAME}_files` output variable.
# Paths will be escaped and space-delimited.
# Output is usable as command line argument list in linux shell
list-files: shell
# Skip linting deleted files
# TODO: how do avoid the redundancy with paths-filter.yml?
filters: |
- added|modified: galaxy.xml
- added|modified: '{docs,meta,plugins,roles}/**'
- name: Run pre-commit on all ansible files
if: env.changed_all == 'true'
run: |
pre-commit run --all-files
- name: Run pre-commit on changed ansible files
if: env.changed_all != 'true' && steps.changes.outputs.ansible == 'true'
run: |
# Run pre-commit to lint and format check files that were changed (but not deleted) compared to master.
# XXX: there is a very small chance that it'll expand to exceed Linux's limits
# `getconf ARG_MAX` - max # bytes of args + environ for exec()
pre-commit run --files ${{ steps.ansible-files.outputs.all_files }}
- name: Get listing of changed GitHub Action files
id: action-files
if: env.changed_all != 'true' && steps.changes.outputs.github_actions == 'true'
uses: dorny/paths-filter@v2
# Enable listing of files matching each filter.
# Paths to files will be available in `${FILTER_NAME}_files` output variable.
# Paths will be escaped and space-delimited.
# Output is usable as command line argument list in linux shell
list-files: shell
# Skip linting deleted files
# TODO: how do avoid the redundancy with paths-filter.yml?
filters: |
- added|modified: '.github/paths-filter.yml'
- added|modified: '.github/workflows/**'
- name: Run actionlint on all GitHub Action files
if: env.changed_all == 'true'
run: |
pre-commit run actionlint --all-files
- name: Run actionlint on changed GitHub Action files
if: env.changed_all != 'true' && steps.changes.outputs.github_actions == 'true'
run: |
# Run pre-commit to lint and format check files that were changed (but not deleted) compared to master.
# XXX: there is a very small chance that it'll expand to exceed Linux's limits
# `getconf ARG_MAX` - max # bytes of args + environ for exec()
pre-commit run actionlint --files ${{ steps.action-files.outputs.all_files }}