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hust921 dotfiles

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My personal dotfiles for omz, vim, tmux, conky, etc..



sh -c "$(wget -O-"


sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Installation (Deprecated)

Overall Dependencies

  • git
  • curl
  • fzf

fzf is a fuzzyfinder for zsh and vim. Recommended see: Github-repo

git clone --depth 1 ~/.fzf

Semi-interactive installation

The scripts allows to select which files to replace. For the script to work it must be located in either /home/user/dotfiles or /root/dotfiles. If run as root it will automatically install (after a warning) the files in the root home.

This script will NOT install the necessary dependencies! yet.

Install vim & dependencies


  • vim-nox : Python support
  • build-essential : gcc, dep for .deb packages
  • cmake : Yet another build tool
  • python-dev : Python file header, yada yada
  • clang : LLVM C compiler (for YCM C support)
  • mono-xbuild : Mono/C# support for YCM
  • ctags : Exuberant ctags. Create tag file to nativagate source.

Install dependencies (Debian based):

sudo apt-get install vim vim-nox build-essential cmake python-dev clang mono-xbuild ctags

Install nerd-font. To work with vim-devicons. I'm using "DejaVu Sans Mono Regular" atm. Link to vim files:

cd ~/dotfiles/
# Select "replace vimrc & vimfiles"
# Or manually delete and link to files.
# Now also install and compiles tern

Install plugins:

vim +PluginInstall +qall

Tern javascript completion

cd ~/vimfiles/bundle/tern_for_vim/
npm install

Compile YCM with C & C# support: Check YCM docs for compile flags.

cd ~/vimfiles/bundle/YouCompleteMe/
git submodule update --init --recursive
./ --clang-completer --omnisharp-completer --tern-completer

Install tmux

Install tmux itself:

sudo apt-get install tmux

Link to tmux config:

cd ~/dotfiles/
# Select "replace tmux.conf"
# Or manually delete and link to file.

Install conky

Install conky itself:

sudo apt-get install conky

Link to conky config:

cd ~/dotfiles/
# Select "replace conkyrc"
# Or manually delete and link to file.

Install OMZ


  • zsh
  • screenfetch (optional)

Install dependencies (Debian based):

sudo apt-get install zsh screenfetch

See repo for install instructions: Oh-My-Zsh repo

As of now (2-Sep-2015):

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Link to OMZ files:

cd ~/dotfiles/
# Select "replace oh-my-zsh (omz)"
# Or manually delete and link to file.

Install Powerline


  • python-pip

Install dependencies (Debian based):

sudo apt-get install python-pip

Install globally. (As used in configs):

sudo pip install powerline-status


Author: Morten Lund [ ]

Thank the awesome VIM, YCM and OMZ communities. For making awesome plugins and documentation. All vim plugins are added as github user/repo.


MIT. See LICENSE file.