This package is now deprecated.
The main goal of this project was to provide a full trading and algo management application in the terminal. When this app was fully functioning, it was able to provide a range of interesting functionalities. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find the time to maintain the app, and it has fallen into a semi-broken state of disrepair.
Thanks for the support and good luck to all.
view market info and charts and trade stocks in the terminal
contributions and bug reports are welcome
the workspace used to generate this image is defined in docs/example-configs/dense.json
- crypto book and quote, use prefix
- help menu bugfix
- nodeJs โ
tested with
download or clone this repo
- either run
yarn global add @hp4k1h5/agora
ORnpm i -g @hp4k1h5/agora
. - or run
git clone
and get dependencies by runningyarn
in this directory, ornpm i
- either run
add a publishable iex api key
- either export an ENV var named IEX_PUB_KEY
ex.export IEX_PUB_KEY=pk_Y0urIeXaPipUbl15h4bLeKEY
locally or in your.bashrc
equivalent. - or set the
in this repo, or the default config location; on a mac, this will be~/.config/agora/config.json
. You will have to create the directory with e.g.mkdir ~/.config/agora
, and then copy over your config with e.g. on a mac
cp ~/.config/yarn/global/node_modules/@hp4k1h5/agora/config.json ~/.config/agora
equivalent or from the command lineexport IEX_PUB_KEY="yourIEXpublishablekey" export IEX_SECRET_KEY="yourIEXsecretkey" # optional
or in config.json
{ "IEX_PUB_KEY": "yourIEXpublishablekey", "IEX_SECRET_KEY": "yourIEXsecretkey # optional" }
See config.json for configuration tips and example configs.
- either export an ENV var named IEX_PUB_KEY
If you installed globally, you should be able to use the shell alias
from anywhere. If you encounter problems or want a more comprehensive tutorial, please see tutorial.
iex account info
In order to see iex account information also set theIEX_SECRET_KEY
in the same manner as above. See account. -
๐ฆ alpaca account integration.
See ๐ฆ trading.
for a free iex account and
copy the publishable api key. These typically start with pk
if you receive "Payment required" error messages, this is iexcloud telling you that your remaining message allotment is insufficient for the data request you are making. You can visit your iexcloud console or type
from the repl for more information. If you wish to make the most use of your 500,000 free monthly iex messages, avoid longer time-range graph queries. For example, a 1-year chart costs roughly 12,590 messages (~252 trading days * 50 messages/day). Intraday time ranges such as:1d
are free, i.e. incur no message cost. See iex api documentation to learn more about endpoint pricing.
Please consult the tutorial.
Please consult the tutorial.
Typing help
or h
brings up a help menu. If you include another command
name after, command-specific help is returned to the repl. Type x
in the
repl to close the help menu
help $ --> show help for stock prefix command
h : --> show help for time prefix command
h # --> show help for chart command
h --> show general help
Typing quit
, exit
or Ctrl-c
will exit the app
Use left and right arrow-keys to switch between workspaces. By default,
agora comes with several workspaces. Depending on you terminal and trading
preferences, these can be configured in config.json
. See configuring
If the repl is not focused, hit >
to return to repl. The last active window
will be the target of the commands entered unless a window prefix-command has
been issued.
From the repl, hit esc
to return to the focus rotation.
Typing a [
followed immediately by a window id, or one of the keywords all
or new
will target the window(s) with the command. Window ids are found in the
top-left corner of each targetable window.
[4 # :max $tm --> display max-time chart of $tm in the fourth window
$aa [all --> update all targetable windows with stock symobl $aa
[2 x --> close the second window
= [new --> open a new watchlist window
Typing an x will close the active window. May be combined with window prefix to target a specific window. examples
[4 x --> closes the 4th window
x --> closes the active window
Typing ?
followed by search terms will query stock symbols and company names
for approximate (fuzzy) matches. Capitalization and spacing is ignored as are
quotes and most other non word symbols.
If you are searching by key word like "solar", consider adding more words to
narrow down the result set
? electric
tlsa ?
? "american Motor" company
Typing $
followed immediately by a stock ticker symbol changes the symbol in
the active window. Can be combined with window, technical-indicator and time
prefixes to update multiple values at the same time
$TM --> update symbol in active component to TSLA
[2 $BRK.B :1.5h --> update active symbol to BRK.B and update time to last 90 minutes
Typing ยข
followed immediately by a valid crypto/currency pair changes the
instrument in the active window. Can be combined with window,
technical-indicator and time prefixes to update multiple values at the same
ยขBTCUSD ^ --> update active window to a book of BTC/USD
" ยขethusd --> update active window to a quote of ETH/USD
Typing :
followed immediately by a combination of the following parameters
will change the currently active time range and update the currently active
window. This will only apply to chart windows.
valid time ranges 1d, 5d, 5dm, 1m, 1mm, 3m, 6m, ytd, 1y, 5y, max
numeric values affixed with min
or h
, see examples.
Can be combined with time prefix to update multiple values at the same time
:100min --> update time to last 100 minutes
:6.5h [4 --> update time to last trading day in the fourth window
:5dm $x --> update time to last 5 days minute-averaged and update stock
to X
Typing #
brings up the price/volume chart display in the targeted window.
You may also set time, stock symbol, and
technical-indicator by including those
prefix-commands in the query.
# :1dm $t --> change the active window to a 1 day 5-minutes chart of $t
[2 # %wma --> change the second window to a chart with
weighted-moving-average overlay
Typing ^
or book
will bring up the order book for the active symbol.
$de ^ poll6e4 --> change the symbol in the active window to $de order
book and poll every minute
book $aa [3 --> order book for $aa in the third window
Typing !
brings up the news display with up to the latest 20 results
relevant to the active symbol. Use mouse to scroll the table. Use tab
to return to repl. Can be combined with stock prefix to update multiple
values at the same time
$de ! # show news and update active stock to DE
! $ibm [3 # show news and update stock to ibm in window 3
Typing =
brings up the watchlist display. Use mouse to scroll the table. Use
or esc
to return to repl. . Watchlist is in the top-left corner. Use mouse
to scroll. This workspace is defined in
note: Key values
open high low close
are only available to iex premium data subscribers and during non-market hours to other api consumers
If the watchlist expands beyond its defined boundaries and is occluding other
components, try rotating through your other components with tab
. Alternatively, use the arrow-keys 'right' and then 'left' to
reset the workspace
๐ด set watchlist to string value "alpaca" to source your alpaca watchlists.
= [4
Typing &
brings up a profile of the active symbol in the targeted window.
Use mouse to scroll components.
$qcom &
Typing *
brings up a list of gainers/losers/active/etc in the targeted
window. List can be customized in config.json
Typing "
displays a real-time quote for the active symbol in the targeted
[4 " $r
Components can update themselves periodically either by calling poll
followed immediately by a number greater than 10, or by setting the pollMs
key for the component in config.json
to a number greater than 10, which
equals 100 requests/s, which is the max allowable by iex's rate limits.
scientific notation (i.e. poll1e3
) is allowed.
If you poll multiple components at 10 ms intervals, you will quickly exceed iex's rate limit which is based on ip, and therefore anything lower than 100, is inadvisable, since you may have multiple polling components at the same time.
All polls are cleared when switching workstations. For now, you will have to
manually restart them. Try [all poll1.5e3
to set all components polling at
1.5 second intervals. This is the same as calling [all poll1500
. Use [all poll
to stop all components polling.
[3 poll60000 --> poll the 3rd window every 60 seconds
poll [2 --> stop polling in window 2
[new ^ $aapl poll1000 --> open a new book window with $aapl
polling every 1 second
poll6e4 [3 --> poll the 3rd window every minute (60,000
[all poll --> STOP all windows from polling
[all poll1000 --> all components poll at 1 second intervals
iex paid subscribers only
Typing %
followed immediately by the abbreviated name of the technical
indicator will overlay the active chart window with the technical indicator.
This will only apply to chart windows.
valid technical indicators include bbands, wma, ema, hma
. See full
list. Can be combined with time, stock and window
prefixes to update multiple values at the same time
%bbands --> add bollinger bands overlay to current active chart
[4 $qqq %wma --> update fourth window with weighted moving average and $qqq
% --> % by itself with no indicator name will remove any
indicator from the targeted window
Typing @
will bring up the account window if you have set your
in the config.json or as an env var.
โ disclaimer: agora's trading integration is in early alpha and it is not recommended for use with real money accounts. Per the LICENSE, neither hp4k1h5 nor any contributors to this repository, nor agora make any guarantees or claims regarding the status of trades executed via agora. Please consult a financial professional before deciding whether to use agora for live, real-money trading. While trading integration is in development, it is recommended to only use "paper" accounts with no real-money value, although the user is free to make their own judgement.
You will need an alpaca trading account.
Accounts are free as are trades. After signing up you can generate real or
paper api keys. Use one set of these to set env vars or config.json
as follows:
export APCA_API_KEY_ID="YourAlpacaAPIid"
export APCA_API_SECRET_KEY="YourAlpacaSecretKey"
"APCA_API_KEY_ID": "YourAlpacaAPIid",
"APCA_API_SECRET_KEY": "YourAlpacaSecretKey"
Though it is not recommended, you can set config.json
to "live" if you wish to trade real-money with agora.
The default value is "paper". If you have entered "live" account keys, you
will need to set the value of "alpacaAccountType"
to "live" in order for
them to work.
Also see alpaca config for a sample trading work station.
if you have entered your information correctly, you should be able to display
your account and positions info by typing @
Setting config.json key "watchlist" to string value "alpaca" will query your set of alpaca watchlists. This can be set at the config level, the workspace level, or on the watchlist component itself.
Algo-trading support is under active development. As a first step, there is
a new bots
component that can display relevant information to your trading
bots. There is a bots README available in the bots
folder, as well as some example bots, like alpha bot,
a simple mean reversion algorithm.
Export your bots to agora from bots.js.
If you are using paper keys or are comfortable with this bot trading with your
money, try typing bots
and then bots ls
to list bots and then, if you are
ok with the bot trading on your alpaca account type bots start alpha $spy
in the repl. The first command displays the bots component. The second lists
the available bots and the third starts alpha bot which is based on a
mean-reversion algorithm, targeting $SPY
. You'll see that the bot can print
to the repl output window, and the bot component, which offers some default
text formatting, as well as a place to dump more persistent messages.
The above image was generated using the config found at docs/example-configs/alpaca.json
In the above image, there is a bots component in the upper-right hand corner of the screen. The bots are also able to dump text to the repl output.
Also see alpaca config for a sample trading work station.
Users can execute manual trades as follows. All orders must have three components:
- order side buy or sell
- use the
buy-prefix to buy. use the-
sell-prefix to sell. - selling when you own no shares will be considered a short sale.
- underscores and commas are allowed in quantities, i.e. 1_000 = 1,000 = 1000
- also see
commands below
- use the
- quantity
- affix the quantity directly to the order side
- stock symbol
- use the stock symbol prefix
to designate the instrument
- use the stock symbol prefix
Optionally users can set the order type and time-in-force. Orders that include
a <
limit-prefix, a >
stop-prefix or both, will be submitted as, limit
, or stop_limit
respectively. If you include the order type with the
order, your order will be loosely validated for correctness before going out.
This means that if you submit a stop_limit order that has incorrect limit vs
stop prices, alpaca will reject your order, and not this app. However if you
explicitly submit a stop_limit without both a stop price and a limit price,
agora will reject your order before it goes out. Including the prefixes `<
`, without explicitly stating what the order type is will automatically decide what order type you are submitting.
Orders that include one of day, gtc, opg, cls, ioc, fok
will be counted as
+100 $tm <130.23 -> buy 100 shares of $tm with a limit price of 130.23
-50 $qqq <297 >296 -> sell (short) 50 shares of $qqq stop at 296 limit price
297 or better
$gm gtc +1_000 -> buy 1,000 shares of $GM good-to-cancel
Use command cancel
plus one of all
, $symbol
, order_id
to cancel all orders, all orders for a given symbol, or a
single order.
cancel all -> cancel all open orders
cancel $tm -> cancel all open orders for $TM
cancel 4f447 -> cancel the order starting with id or client id 4f447,
must be length 5
Use command close
plus one of all
or $symbol
to close all positions, or the
position for a given symbol.
close all -> cancel all positions
close $tm -> close position in $TM
By default agora will look for a config in two places on unix/free-bsd
systems. First it will check ~/.config/agora/config.json
, and then it will
look in the root directory of this repo, wherever that is installed on your
system. If the path ~/.config/agora/
does not exist, you will have to
create it yourself. You can copy this config and adapt for your own purposes.
Please feel free to share handy configurations by submitting an issue or pr.
Please consult the tutorial.
I appreciate your patience as the behavior of the app settles and as i work up some more thorough explanations of the app's behavior.
this project would not have been possible were it not for the incredible efforts of blessed and blessed-contrib authors and contributors. Though these repos are somewhat dormant and agora is using forked versions, my heartfelt thanks go to these teams.
stock search is brought to you by fuzzysort
iex for making a robust free market data api
alpaca, for their free trading api