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@spwoodcock spwoodcock released this 28 May 10:14
· 761 commits to development since this release

FMTM 2024.3.0: ODK Entities

Three months since the last release, this is a major FMTM increment.

There has been a complete re-write of the underlying link to ODK
(ODK Entities were released at the end of 2023, with rapid development since then).

🌟 New Features

  • Loading a feature in ODK Collect by clicking a button:

    1. First the custom build of ODK Collect that allows this must be installed (first uninstall your current version):

    2. Then ensure your project QR Code is loaded in ODK Collect at least once:

    3. Each map feature that is clicked on will display the 'Map Feature in ODK' button:

    4. Clicking this button will open ODK Collect, with the feature pre-selected in the form:

  • Caching offline basemaps directly in the browser:
    The PMTiles format can be viewed when the user is offline or in the field, if they cache the basemap by clicking the ‘bolt’ icon below:

  • Mapping is now possible without an OSM account
    We found this was a barrier for some mappers, so removed the dependency entirely.
    FMTM is still based on OSM and uses OSM accounts for project management.
    A ‘temporary login’ method was added for mappers wishing to just get started and map!

  • Extendable survey forms
    Options to download and edit the the survey (XLSForm) interactively have been added.
    Interactive editing allows for a spreadsheet like interface on the web.

🛠️ Improvements

  • Easier basemap configuration
    For project managers, they can specify a TMS URL for basemap generation during project generation, which will be pre-filled when the user attempts to download a basemap.
    This avoids the need to distribute the TMS URL to mappers via other communication channels.



  • Integration of Concept of entities in FMTM Workflow
    This enables loading ODK Form with features pre-selected.

  • Refinements to the FMTM splitting algorithm
    Better error handling in various scenarios and more accurate splitting.

  • Validate features being mapped sufficiently before task completion is possible


  • Replaced OSM login popup with a login within the same web page, reducing possible issues with popup blockers.

  • Technical feature for self-hosted FMTM: added option for users to self-host FMTM with Kubernetes (via Helm Chart).

Technical Summary


  • add link for interactive xlsform editing during project creation (#1480)
  • update PWA config with 2023 icon requirements and caching (#1474)
  • download submissions in geojson (#1517)
  • add OpenTelemetry configuration for backend API (monitoring) (#1496)
  • prompt user if task area is not fully mapped on mark complete (#1493)
  • use task index as an user facing task_id (#1470)
  • frontend: login options to frontend, OSM or temp auth (#1458)
  • frontend buttons to load Entities in ODK Collect by intent (#1449)
  • distinguish between tasks locked by the current user and tasks locked by others (#1469)
  • append extra hashtag to projects with domain and project id identifier (#1454)
  • endpoints for getting Entity data & updating Entity mapping status (#1445)
  • temporary authentication login for mappers (svcfmtm) (#1410)
  • add /projects/features endpoint for project FeatureCollection ( integration) (#1442)
  • Playwright integration with test cases to be written (#1433)
  • implement ODK Entities for project creation (#1383)


  • lock map feature if 'Map Feature In ODK' clicked (#1516)
  • pmtile basemap generation and remove temp workarounds (#1535)
  • backend: generate location_str in model_validator instead of computed_field (#1534)
  • backend: validation_exception_handler pass all required params
  • valid matomo tracking script
  • pass project aoi as a outline geojson (#1533)
  • typo error in project name prefix in submission-download-geojson (#1523)
  • download submissions(csv,json) & refactor submission endpoints (#1519)
  • populate task_id correctly in feature properties (#1515)
  • refactored project dashboard and submission graph (#1509)
  • dialogTaskActions: same name variable conflict solve (#1506)
  • backend: use task ids to count validated and mapped status (#1485)
  • backend: get contributors count in project summary (#1484)
  • task hover popup & disable splitting algo without linestring (#1481)
  • login methods after temp cookie auth (#1471)
  • frontend: do not call introspect endpoint on /osmauth callback
  • basemap tile download, refactor to use /{project_id}/name (#1467)
  • frontend: invalidate login if mismatch between existing and new user login (#1462)
  • role mapper to login required in data extract (#1450)
  • fix list-forms endpoint logic to return list of dicts
  • activity comment api calls in frontend (#1435)
  • handle multipolygon geometries for project area (#1430)
  • XLSForm template download endpoint for specified categories (#1441)
  • filter task_history endpoint using task_id (#1436)
  • update logic for more flexible submission json --> geojson
  • add optional auth to raw-data-api calls, plus folder structure for persistence (#1431)
  • project details mobile UI, user details in header (#1407)
  • backend: allow missing odk_token for project, but log warning
  • add odk_token from projectInfo to qrcode creation
  • project name editing validation (#1416)
  • return proper error message if form edit is invalid (#1415)
  • default UNDERPASS_API_URL no trailing slash
  • more informative browser tab titles/details (#1411)
  • update task activity endpoint (#1406)
  • project edit form update validation (#1397)


  • remove missed warning log from update_survey_form
  • remove broken submission code no longer used
  • use HTTPStatus enum for helper route response codes
  • fix ambiguous typos preventing pre-commit codespell passing
  • run codespell spelling fixer
  • replace unecessary outline_centroid for tasks with ol.extent.getCenter (#1447)
  • merged multi polygon to single polygon (#1426)
  • task comment response and schema (#1423)
  • response of update task status and added user info in task history (#1419)

Full Changelog: 0.1.0...2024.3.0