<img src=“https://secure.travis-ci.org/kylejginavan/sendgrid_webapi.png”/> <img src=“https://badge.fury.io/rb/sendgrid_webapi.png” alt=“Gem Version” /> <img src=“https://codeclimate.com/github/kylejginavan/sendgrid_webapi.png” />
SendGrid WEB API gem allow you to retrieve information such as statistics, bounces, spam reports, unsubscribes, send email and other information.
In your Gemfile:
for sendgrid v3 support
gem 'sendgrid_webapi', '0.0.3'
for sendgrid v2 support
gem 'sendgrid_webapi', '0.0.2'
client = SendGridWebApi::Client.new("user_name", "password")
This module allows you to retrieve and delete email addresses that have bounced from emails that you’ve delivered.
client.bounces.get(options) client.bounces.delete(:email => "email@example.com", :foor => "bar") client.blocks.count
options are available here: sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Web_API/bounces.html
This module allows you to retrieve and delete email addresses that were blocked by their ISP. These emails are not suppressed and are just for information.
client.blocks.get(options) client.blocks.delete(:email => "email@example.com", :foor => "bar") client.blocks.count
options are available here: sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Web_API/blocks.html
This module allows you to retrieve and delete email addresses that you’ve sent to that are invalid email addresses.
client.invalid_emails.get(options) client.invalid_emails.delete(:email => "email@example.com", :foor => "bar")
options are available here: sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Web_API/invalid_emails.html
This module allows you to retrieve and delete email addresses that have marked your emails as SPAM.
client.spam.get(options) client.spam.delete(:email => "email@example.com", :foor => "bar")
options are available here: sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Web_API/spam_reports.html
This module allows you to add, retrieve and delete email addresses that were unsubscribed from your emails.
client.unsubscribes.add(:email => "email@example.com", :foor => "bar") client.unsubscribes.get(options) client.unsubscribes.delete(:email => "email@example.com", :foor => "bar")
options are available here: sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Web_API/unsubscribes.html
This module allows you to add, edit, or delete your email parse settings.
client.parse_email.add(:hostname => "www.example.com", :url => "www.domain.com/parse.php", :spam_check => 1) client.parse_email.get(options) client.parse_email.delete(:hostname => "www.example.com")
options are available here: sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Web_API/parse_settings.html
This module allows you to add, edit, or delete an event notification URL for your account.
client.event_notification.set(:url => "http://www.yourposturlhere.com") client.event_notification.get(options) client.event_notification.delete(options)
options are available here: sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Webhooks/event.html
This module allows you to retrieve statistical data on a range of metrics including requests, bounces, spam reports, categories, and others.
options are available here: sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Web_API/Statistics/index.html
This module allows you to retrieve and update your profile information such as credentials and email address.
client.profile.get(options) client.profile.set(options) client.profile.set_password(:password => "foo", :confirm_password => "foo") client.profile.set_username(:username => "yournewusername@domain.com") client.profile.set_email(:email => "yournewusername@domain.com")
options are available here: sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Web_API/profile.html
This module allows you to send email.
client.mail.send(:to => "test@test.com", :subject => "test", :text => "some body", :from => "test@example.com")
options are available here: sendgrid.com/docs/Code_Examples/ruby.html
client = SendGridWebApi::Client.new("user_name", "password") client.sub_user
Retrieve/Create/Enable/Disable your subusers. Change a subuser email address and username. Docs can be found here: sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Customer_Subuser_API/index.html
Create a sub_user
client.sub_user.management.add(:username => "sub_user", :website => "example.com", :password => "somepass", :confirm_password => "somepass", :first_name => "homero", :last_name => "simpson", :address => "555 anystreet", :city => "any city",:state => "CA", :zip => "91234", :email => "sub_user@example.com", :country => "US", :phone => "555-555")
Get sub_users list
This prevents them from sending out emails with SendGrid
client.sub_user.management.disable(:user => "sub_user")
Enable a subuser so they may start sending out emails again. This call will not enable website access
client.sub_user.management.enable(:user => "sub_user")
Allow a subuser to login to the SendGrid.com website
client.sub_user.management.website_enable(:user => "sub_user")
Disable a subuser to login to the SendGrid.com website
client.sub_user.management.website_disable(:user => "sub_user")
Allows you to update your subusers profile information
client.sub_user.management.update(:user => "sub_user", :first_name => "change_named") client.sub_user.management.update_password(:user => "sub_user", :password => "somepassword", :confirm_password => "somepassword") client.sub_user.management.update_username(:user => "sub_user", :username => "newusername") client.sub_user.management.update_email(:user => "sub_user", :email => "newemail")
options are available here: sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Customer_Subuser_API/subusers.html
This module allows you to manage bounce records of your subusers.
client.sub_user.bounces.get(:user => "sub_user") client.sub_user.bounces.delete(:user => "sub_user", :email => "email@example.com")
options are available here: sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Customer_Subuser_API/subuser_bounces.html
This module allows you to manage invalid emails of your subusers.
client.sub_user.invalid_emails.get(:user => "sub_user") client.sub_user.invalid_emails.delete(:user => "sub_user", :email => "email@example.com")
options are available here: sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Customer_Subuser_API/invalid_emails.html
This module allows you to manage spam reports of your subusers.
client.sub_user.spam.get(:user => "sub_user") client.sub_user.spam.delete(:user => "sub_user", :email => "email@example.com")
options are available here: sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Customer_Subuser_API/subuser_spam_reports.html
This module allows you to manage unsubscribes of your subusers.
client.sub_user.unsubscribes.add(:user => "sub_user", :email => "email@example.com") client.sub_user.unsubscribes.get(:user => "sub_user") client.sub_user.unsubscribes.delete(:user => "sub_user", :email => "email@example.com")
options are available here: sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Customer_Subuser_API/subuser_unsubscribes.html
This module allows you to setup subusers parse settings
client.sub_user.parse_email.add(:user => "sub_user", :hostname => "www.example.com", :url => "www.domain.com/parse.php", :spam_check => 1) client.sub_user.parse_email.get(:user => "sub_user") client.sub_user.parse_email.delete(:user => "sub_user", :hostname => "www.example.com")
options are available here: sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Customer_Subuser_API/parse_settings.html
This module allows you to manage subusers event notification url.
client.sub_user.event_notification.set(:user => "sub_user", :url => "http://www.yourposturlhere.com") client.sub_user.event_notification.get(:user => "sub_user") client.sub_user.event_notification.delete(:user => "sub_user", :url => "http://www.yourposturlhere.com")
options are available here: sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Customer_Subuser_API/event_notification_url.html
This module allows you to see statistics regarding your subusers.
client.sub_user.stats.get(:user => "sub_user")
options are available here: sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Customer_Subuser_API/statistics.html
This module allows you to manage the rate of emails your subusers are able to send
client.sub_user.limits.get(:user => "sub_user") client.sub_user.limits.set_credits(:user => "sub_user", :credits=> "200", :period=> "daily") client.sub_user.limits.reset(:user => "sub_user", :credits=> "400", :period=> "daily") client.sub_user.limits.increment_credits(:user => "sub_user", :credits=> "400") client.sub_user.limits.decrement_credits(:user => "sub_user", :credits=> "400")
To remove all limits from your sub_user
client.sub_user.limits.delete(:user => "sub_user")
options are available here: sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Customer_Subuser_API/account_limits.html
Make sure your subusers arent sending out spam by getting a sample of their outgoing messages
client.sub_user.monitor_records.create(:name => "testmonitor", :frequency => 10000, :email => "test@test.com") client.sub_user.monitor_records.edit(:name => "testmonitor", :new_frequency => 10) client.sub_user.monitor_records.add_user(:user => "sub_user", :name => "testmonitor")
options are available here: sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Customer_Subuser_API/monitor_records.html
List all IP addresses you have under your account and retrieve details about them
To obtain a complete list of all IP’s and which are free, taken or available. See params in the link
client.sub_user.ip_management.get(:user => "sub_user")
To get the ip that is using your sub_user
client.sub_user.ip_management.usage_ip(:user => "sub_user")
To assign one ip to your sub_user
client.sub_user.ip_management.assign_ip(:user => "sub_user", :ip => ["IP1", "IP2"])
options are available here: sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Customer_Subuser_API/ip_management.html
Manage whitelabel settings for your subusers
To retrieve a list of all whitelabel domains
client.sub_user.whitelabel.get(:user => "sub_user")
To set a subusers whitelabel domain
client.sub_user.whitelabel.add(:user => "sub_user", :mail_domain => "email.sendgrid.com")
options are available here: sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Customer_Subuser_API/whitelabel.html
Allow users to manage your subusers via iframe using our site
client.sub_user.iframe.get(:user => "sub_user")
options are available here: sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Customer_Subuser_API/automatic_login.html
This module allows you to check subusers password to see if its valid.
client.sub_user.auth.login(:user => "sub_user", :password => "somepass").
options are available here: sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Customer_Subuser_API/authenticate_a_subuser.html
This module allows you to setup subusers app settings.
client.sub_user.apps.list(:user => "sub_user") client.sub_user.apps.activate(:user => "sub_user", :name => "opentrack") client.sub_user.apps.deactivate(:user => "sub_user", :name => "opentrack") client.sub_user.apps.current_settings(:user => "sub_user", :name => "eventnotify") client.sub_user.apps.customize(:user => "sub_user", :name => "eventnotify", :processed => "0", :dropped => "1", :deferred => "1", :delivered => "0", :bounce => "1", :click => "1", :open => "1", :unsubscribe => "1", :spamreport => "1", :url => "http://someurl.com/listener"))
options are available here: sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Customer_Subuser_API/apps.html
this helper allows you to create a sub_user and enable apps that you want, passing a array with the sub_user data
define the data
user_hash = {:website => "someurl.com", :password => "somepass", :confirm_password => "somepass", :first_name => "home", :last_name => "simpson", :address => "555 anystreet", :city => "any city", :state => "CA" , :zip => "91234", :email => "email@email.com", :country => "US", :phone => "555-555"} apps = { :opentrack => {:name => "eventnotify", :processed => "0", :dropped => "1", :deferred => "1", :delivered => "0", :bounce => "1", :click => "1", :open => "1", :unsubscribe => "1", :spamreport => "1", :url => "https://agencieshq.com/sendgrid/v1/listener"}, :clicktrack => {:enable_text => "1"}, :opentrack => {} } users = {"username" => {:account => user_hash, :applications => apps, :assigned_ips => ["IP"]}}
call the helper
create_sub_user_account("sendgrid user", "sendgrid pass", users)
this helper allows you run a sengrid request and raise if it doesn’t return successfull
run_sendgrid_query("sendgrid user", "sendgrid pass") do #some sendgrid request @client.sub_user.apps.activate(:user => "user", :name => "twitter") end
The API call had an error in the parameters. The gem will return ApiException raise.
The API call was unsuccessful. The gem will return ApiException raise.
Kyle J. Ginavan.
Mauro Torres - github.com/chebyte