This is my attempt of CS50 Game Development's Pong game tutorial. In my version, the game view is rotate to vertical. Don't ask me about the title 👀
Download and extract the game to play:
- Download for Windows 64-bits (v1.0)
- Download for MacOS (v1.0)
- Download for web browser (v1.0) (need to run in a web server)
Check out the Releases page for the latest version.
The blinking player is the server.
- Move: A, D
- Serve: S
- Move: ⬅️ ➡️ (left/right arrow keys)
- Serve: ⬆️ (up arrow key)
ESC: go back M: mute sound
If you want to compile the game yourself, you'd need Lua and LÖVE2D framework. If you are on a Mac, you can follow this instruction:
- Install Lua:
brew install lua
- Install LÖVE2D:
git clone
- Add love alias to your PATH:
alias love="/Applications/"
- Clone the project:
git clone
- Go to the project and run the game:
cd Ponghub/src
love .
Welcome screen
Victory screen
- My Facebook
- My Instagram
- Hit me up for a coffee and talk just about everything!
- Shoot me an email too
- CS50's Pong github
- BGM: Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life - Breeze (my childhood)
- love.js