This service is YouTube player. It offers convenience to play video.
Install postgres, redis and nodemon if you are in the localhost environment for development. and if you are in real server for deploy, install docker.
- Receive the source file.
git clone
- Install module dependency
cd withSong_2.0
npm install
- Make config file
Make ".env" file and insert config you need. but if your environment is localhost, create ".dev.env" file. (maybe you can make both.)
# file name is .env or .dev.env
DB_HOST=your database host name
REDIS_HOST=your redis name
REDIS_SECRETKEY=redis secretkey
REDIS_PORT=redis port
POSTGRES_PORT=postgres port
POSTGRES_DB=postgres database name
POSTGRES_USER=your postgres user name
POSTGRES_PASSWORD=your postgres user password
PORT=app port
DOMAIN=app domain
YOUTUBE_KEY=youtube key
FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID=facebook client id
FACEBOOK_CLIENT_SECRET=facebook client secret key
- Prepare to launch app
Bundling and compiling to run the application.
npm run build
- Start app in server
docker-compose up